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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

5. She looked me straight in the eye/my eye and told a lie.


He had a thorn in the foot/his foot.


Lena is always wearing a bracelet on her wrist/the wrist.

8. Look me in the face/my face and tell me what is wrong.

9. Grandpa has a constant pain in his back/the back.

10. The President had an operation on his heart/the heart.

11. I stepped on his foot/the foot.

12. I shook him by his hand/the hand.

13. She shook his hand/the hand.

14. Don't take it in your head/the head!

II. Translate into English.

1. Он посмотрел ей в лицо и все понял.


Выражение его лица вдруг изменилось.


Перед лицом трудностей мы должны объединиться.


Она взяла ребенка за руку и перевела его через улицу.


Повесь эту картинку над головой.


Я почувствовал неожиданную боль в боку.


Он поцеловал ее в щеку, и они расстались.


Если человек тонет, то его надо спасать, схватив за волосы, но не за руку.


Джон посмотрел ей в лицо и все понял.

10. Мэри положила руку ему на плечо.

11. Он взял ее под руку.

12. Он покачал головой и глубоко вздохнул.

13. У генерала в руке был пистолет.

14. Она помахала нам рукой и ушла.

15. Он был ранен в голову и часто страдает от головных болей.

53. In these sentences, choose the alternative that fits.


Don't tell me your problems. I've got enough problems of (me, mine, my own).

b. Who is that man? Is he a friend of (you, your, yours)?


Come and sit beside (me, myself, mine).

d. It belongs to an old friend (of my father's, from my father, of my father).


She prefers to live by (her own, herself, her).


She prefers to live on (herself, hers, her own).

g. A friend of (my father, my father's) is a painter. He painted this portrait of (mine, me, my own) when I was only


h. Is that car (your, yours) or is it (of your wife, your wife, your wife's)?


He has (his, an, the) own business.


What I would really like is a car of (the, one's, my) own.

k. If a letter starts 'Dear Sir', it should finish with the words '(You, Yours, Your) faithfully'.


Louisa's work is much tidier than (mine, me, my) or (of Anna, Anna, Anna's).

54. Form 12 reflexive verbs by matching these 12 verbs to the definitions given below.

Verbs: ask, behave, blame, enjoy, give, help, kill, let, make, please, pull, take.

1. commit suicide___________________________________ yourself

2. have a good time_________________________________ yourself

3. feel guilty_______________________________________ yourself

4. wonder__________________________________________ yourself

5. take as much as you want


6. do only what you want to do


7. believe in your own importance


8. behave as if you were in your own home yourself at home

9. surrender (e.g., to the police) yourself up

10. make an effort to regain your self-control yourself together

11. relax yourself go

12. do what you should do/ not do anything wrong yourself

55. Translate into English.

1. Она похолодела и стала медленно креститься.

2. Он посвятил себя музыке. И никогда себя в этом не упрекал.

3. Никто не должен обманывать самого себя.