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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

4. Устраивайтесь поудобнее и угощайтесь пирогом.

5. Если ты привидение, то покажись!

6. Он видит себя центром вселенной.

7. Я уговорила себя помочь им.

8. Болезнь распространяется очень быстро.

9. Я очутился один в совершенно незнакомом городе.

10. А теперь, дорогая, укладывайся спать.

11. Петр защищался как мог.

12. Десять маленьких негритят отправились обедать. Один проспал, другой подавился, третий повесился ...

13. Позаботьтесь о себе! Хоть иногда позволяйте себе расслабиться.

14. Джон сделал работу самостоятельно.

56. In these sentences, choose the alternative that fits.

1. Don't do everything for (him, himself), he must learn to do things for (him, himself).

2. Please (you, yourself). It's entirely up to (you, yourself).

3. They are in love — they only have eyes for (themselves, each other).

4. I'll see you both next year. Look after (you, yourselves).

5. They are very fond of (themselves, each other).

6. He is very conceited. He has a very high opinion of (him, himself).

7. We had no difficulty in making (ourselves, us) understood.

8. She gave Michael the whisky and kept the wine for (her, herself).

9. The solicitor wrote a letter to John and (I, me, myself) in which he asked us if we could settle the matter between (us, ourselves).

10. They had only five pounds between (them, themselves), so they bought some food and shared it equally between (them, each,


11. He is old enough to (dress himself, get dressed) now.

12. I will join you as soon as I have (had a wash, washed myself) and (got dressed, dressed myself).

13. As for (me, myself), I prefer to let people make up (their own, each other's, one another's) minds.

14. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after (them, each other, themselves).

15. Everyone should ask (himself, oneself, themselves) if they are doing enough.

16. Put (you, yourself) in my position. Would you blame (you, yourself) if you were (I, me, myself) ?

17. They seem to get on with (each other, themselves) very well.

18. We meet (us, ourselves, every day.

57. Give a suitable reply to the following questions using ... self/ves. e.g. 'Did

someone wash your hair for you? 'No, I washed it myself.'

1. — Did your mother make a cake for you? — No, I....

2. — Did one of Mr. Smith's employees give you that? — No, Mr. Smith ....

3. — Was this violin made by one of Stradivarius's pupils? — No, it... .

4. — The students had a dance in the college. Did the teaching staff organize it? — No, the students ....

5. — What did you think of the film? — I thought the film ... boring, but I liked the music.

6. — What do you think of 'The Police' (pop group)? — I... , but my friends think they are great.

7. — Did you teach Anna to play the guitar? — No, she ....

8. — Who actually writes the Queen's speech? — I don't think she ... .

9. — Do you want someone to go with you to the doctor's? — No, I can ....

10. — Will you do this exercise for me? — No, do ... .

11. — Did the local police call in this detective to investigate the crime? — No, they ....