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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

His words made me understand their plans. 1 8 . You should look after the children when they are playing. 1 9 . He was quick to see a

pretty girl. 20. A half-indignant mutter arose about him, but he refused to see or listen to it.

B. 1. Television is one of the remarkable things. 2. It's not surprising that your words sent her temper up. 3. I'm surprised at her

saying that. 4. I'm anxious to know what she told you. 5. Melody doubted if she would ever find the courage to dare to confide in

Sarah. 6. This is an unconvincing argument, it does not prove anything. 7. How would you express this in French? 8. The outbreak of

dysentery was attributed to bad drinking-water. 9. I'll speak on your behalf, I promise. 1 0 . His modesty is not genuine. 1 1 . He was

very much worried by the loss of the document. 1 2 . Let's postpone our hiking tour until the weather is better. 1 3 . Don't hesitate to

ring me up any time. I'll be in the whole day. 1 4 . She held out her fragile hand to her cousin and touched his wife softly with the other.

1 5 . He lay full length on the settee and watched the canary hop about in its cage. 1 6 . Hurst parish extends over miles of sandy

lowland and sandstone hill. 1 7 . The meeting took place in the hospital dining-room. 1 8 . He had been careful to be silent on the

subject. 1 9 . She did not know whether or not to stretch out her hand.

4. Explain or comment on the following sentences:

A. 1. I lost all track of time. This was wonderful. 2. He had covered his tracks to the last inch. 3. You're on the wrong track. 4. It

was that that put our friend on the track of what had happened.

5. I hope you don't expect me to keep track of all the details?

6. The dim white outline of her summer dress was all that I could see. 7. I begin to see — not what you would like me to see — the

outlines of a face and form — but the outlines of a mind. 8. He was prepared to take the rough with the smooth. 9. Mrs. Steptoe be-

lieves in treating poor relations rough. 1 0 . Hance was an^old man with a rough tongue and compassionate eyes. 1 3. She shook hands

very firmly, looking me straight in the eyes. 1 2 . Do you mind running your eye over these accounts? 1 3 . Well, I don't suppose there's

hope of opening your eyes to the realities of life. 1 4 . The image of the girl rose before his eyes. 1 5 . She sees everything through her

mother's eyes. 1 6 . She told me the article in outline, but I read it myself. 1 7 . He outlined the events of those stirring days. 1 8 . 1 can

never get over the wonders of modern science. 1 9 . The Christmas tree, of what they had never seen the likes, filled them with admir-

ing wonder. 20. Finch wondered if he should embrace the boy — give him a hug and a kiss. 2 1 . It's a wonder you got here at all. 22.

The X-ray treatment has worked wonders with him.

B. 1. A lean old gentleman rose from his chair and limped forward to meet him. 2. He tried to put me off with promises. 3. This will