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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

откинутыми назад волосами; поднять руку в знак приветствия; остановиться на ночь; без смущения; продолжать расспросы;

старый яблоневый сад; комната для гостей; стоять отдельно; песчаное дно; свисать над водой; глаза, сверкающие как роса.

9. Explain what is meant by the following:

1. Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were on a tramp. 2. resting the knee and talking of the universe. 3. like some prime-

val beast. 4. a kind of dark unfathomed mop. 5. Robert was talking through his hat. 6. And Ashurst, who saw beauty without wondering

how it could advantage him ... 7. He could not take off what was not on his head. 8. Garton took up the catechism. 9. some thing of the

same snaky turn about her neck. 1 0 . He felt absurdly happy.

10. Answer the following questions and do the given tasks:

1. In what key is the extract written: is it matter-of-fact, dramatic, lyrical, pathetic? 2. What kind of text is it? Is it a narration, a

character-drawing or a dialogue? 3. What is the author's method in portraying personages? 4. What are the predominant figures of

speech in depicting nature? 5. What helps to create a vivid picture of spring? 6. What role does the word "maiden" play in conveying

Ashurst's state of bliss? 7. Account for different ways of expressing comparisons in the text. Analyse their structure and stylistic

function. 8. Find some examples of epithets in the text. Discuss their stylistic value. 9. Point out the features of colloquial speech in the

dialogue between the young men and Megan. 1 0 . Point out instances of non-standard speech. Give the correct forms. 1 1 . Point out

the adjectives in the text, classifying them according to sense into literal and figurative. 1 2 . Define the stem from which the adjective

"curly" is derived. Pick out from Text Eight the adjectives formed in the similar way.

11. Retell Text Eight: a) close to the text; b) as if you were Ashurst.

12. Give a summary of Text Eight.

13. Make up dialogues between:

1. Ashurst and Garton about their first impressions of the farm and its inhabitants.

2. Mrs. Narracombe and Megan about putting up the young men for the night.


1. Study the Vocabulary Notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in bold type:

A. 1. The path turned to a rocky track which brought them out on the main road. 2. How much do you know of your friend Pyle?

— Not very much. Our tracks cross, that's all. 3. To say that he had hidden his tracks would be untrue. He had made no tracks to

hide. 4. We saw the outlines of the tower in the distance. 5. The old oak-tree was beautifully outlined against the blue sky. 6. And in a

few simple words he outlined Ann's appeal to him. 7. The soles of his feet were rough and callous from walking. 8. Losing two sons in

the war was rough on her. 9. How well can this truck take rough ground? 1 0 . The table is made of rough planks. 1 1 . Here'§ a