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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

rough draft of my speech. 1 2 . It's the one point on which Harry and I do not see eye to eye. 1 3 . He caught my eye and hurried into

explanations. 1 4 . I can assure you that I never set eyes upon him. 1 5 . H e moved a little farther along the road measuring the

wall with his eye. 1 6 . You'd better stay here and keep an eye on him. I'll ring up the police. 1 7 . We had coffee. — No wonder

you're wakeful.

18. Wonders are many, and nothing is more wonderful than man.

19. He knew that Robert had not sent for him to talk about the weather, and wondered when he was coming to the point.

B. 1. You'll easily recognize him; he walks with a slight limp. 2. I think he was born lame. 3. June always fussed over her lame

ducks. 4. I pulled myself together, made some lame explanations and we went downstairs together. 5. You must have heard of

Limping Lucy — a lame girl with a crutch. 6. Put a mark against the names of the absent pupils. 7. You can't have done such a

dreadful thing as to put off going there for our sake. 8. The news put an end to our hopes. 9. Can you put up some extra guests for

the night? 1 0 . He was evidently unused to the society of writers and we all tried in vain to put him at his ease. 1 1 . I telephoned my

friends putting off the small party I had arranged for the evening. 1 2 . " I haven't thought about it lately," he wanted to add, "not

since I met you," but an odd shyness held him back. 1 3 . She is very shy by nature. 1 4 . He is shy of showing his emotions. 1 5 .

Now I have lost my timidity and shyness with strangers. 1 6 . He is tall and spare and holds himself well. 1 7 . Just for the moment

there was a terrible temptation to hold his tongue as his visit to them was not known by anyone. 1 8 . She went on speaking

desperately seeking to hold his arrested attention. 1 9 . Her youth being over, what did the future hold for her? 20. It was

comparatively cool, and I was glad to stretch my legs after the long voyage. 2 1 . He got up, stretched himself, and leant over the

window sill. 22. He stretched out his long thin hands to the blaze, aware of relief from tension. 23. The girl stretched her neck and

peeped over the edge of the fence.

3. Paraphrase the following sentences using your Essential Vocabulary:

A. 1. I'm afraid I've completely lost touch with him. 2. She stumbled along the steep path that led up the hill. 3. The man was sure

he had well concealed his movement. 4. The mystery bored him and he could not follow the plot. 5. The hounds were in pursuit of the

fox. 6. I know I've done wrong. 7. The quaint ancient castle stood out against the dark sky. 8. The student was asked to give the main

points of the historical event. 9. She had told me in her letters the main facts of her life. 1 0 . The sea is not calm today. 1 1 . His rude

manner frightened the children. 1 2 . Should the weather be windy do not think of riding. 1 3 . What he told me made the true state of

affairs known to me. 1 4 . I hope we see the matter in the same way. 1 5 . I never saw her before. 1 6 . She gave me a loving look. 1 7 .