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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

George her affection.

shyness n, e. g. She spoke without shyness, shyly adv, e. g. She dropped her eyes shyly.

9. stretch vt/i 1) to extend or draw; to strain to the utmost, e. g. Silk socks stretch, woollen ones shrink. They stretched a wire

across the road. He rose, stretched himself and made for the bathroom,. He stretched out his hand with the letter, to stretch one's legs to

exercise one's legs after a long period of sitting. Let's go for a stroll to stretch our legs. 2) to lie at full length, e. g. He stretched

himself out on the lawn.

stretch n an unbroken period of time; at a stretch without stopping, e. g. He drove the car five hours at a stretch.

outstretched adj stretched or spread out, e. g. His outstretched hand remained in the air.

10. hold (held, held) vt/i 1) to have and keep fast in or with the hands, e. g. He was holding a book in his hands, to hold on (to smth.)

to keep one's grasp, e. g. Robinson was holding on to a branch. 2) to keep or support oneself in a certain attitude, e. g. Hold your

arms out. Hold your head up. to hold out one's hand to stretch out, e. g. Annie held out her hand with a little package in it. to hold

smth. back (from) to keep secret, e. g. You should hold back this news from them for a while. 3) to contain or be able to contain, e.

g. A paper bag will hold sand, but it won't hold water. Sea water holds many salts in solution. 4) to restrain, e. g. I held my breath and

listened, to hold off to keep at a distance, e. g. Hold your dog off. 5) to bring about; to conduct; to take part in, as to hold a meeting

(examination, lecture, trial, etc.), e. g. The meeting will be held on Monday. They are going to hold a trial there. 6) to remain the

same; to last; to continue, e. g. How long will the weather hold? to hold together to remain united, e. g. Hold together and you won't

be defeated.

hold n the act, manner or power of holding, as to catch (get, take, have, keep, lose) hold of a thing or a person, e. g. He caught

hold of the rope and climbed on board.

Word Combinations and Phrases

after their last (first, second) year together at college (the

(with one's hair flung back)

university, etc.)

to show smb. the way

according to smth. (their map, my watch, their orders or

to break in (into a conversation)

instructions, her words, etc.)

to hurt or pain smb. (My leg is

smooth hair (forehead, surface, board, paper, skin, road, sea)

hurting me, hurts.)

to break into flower

to take smb. in from head

to be in leaf (in flower)

to heel to get smth. ready there's no room for

with one's eyes on smb. or smth.

one at a time


1. a) Listen to the recording of Text Eight and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.

2. Put twenty questions to the text.

3. Pick out from Text Eight the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given on p. 258 and translate them into Russian.