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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

from the text all the phraseological units. Comment on their stylistic value and suggest neutral equivalents. 6. Why is Dalila a

symbol of a treacherous woman? 7. Pick out the elements (lexical and syntactical) of colloquial speech and comment on them.

8. Find in the text sentences containing repetition and syntactical parallelism. What is the effect achieved? 9. Write out from the

text all the adverbs formed from adjectives by adding the suffix -ly and translate them into Russian. Which of them are epithets?

1 0 . The following words are bookish: 'affrighted', 'unvoluntarily', 'reproof, 'enraptured', 'tranquil', 'confronting (him)'. What are

their synonyms in colloquial English? 1 1 . Pick out metaphors from the text and comment on them. 1 2 . How do the following

words of the Lady characterize Napoleon? A) "Thousands of lives for the sake of your victories, your ambitions, your destiny!" b)

"The vile, vulgar Corsi- can adventurer comes out in you very easily." c) "Caesar's wife is above suspicion." d) "You became

friends through your wife." e) "A vain, silly, extravagant creature, with a husband who ... cannot help his man's instinct to make

use, of her for his own advancement." 1 3 . How do the following remarks made by Napoleon characterize him? a) "I see you

don't know me, madam, or you would save yourself the trouble of pretending to cry." b) "I am waiting for my despatches. I shall

take them, if necessary, with as little ceremony as I took the handkerchief." с) "I am not to be trifled with now." d) "I am a true

Corsican in my love for stories." ' e) "Next time you are asked why a letter compromising a wife should not be sent to her

husband, answer simply that the Jiusband wouldn't read it." 1 4 . How does Napoleon's attitude towards honour and happiness

and his fear of looking ridiculous characterize him? 1 5 . What is the Lady like as shown through her words, actions and the

author's remarks? 1 6 . What kind of person is Napoleon according to Bernard Shaw?

12. Retell Text Six in indirect speech.

13. Give a summary of Text Six.

14. a) Render the following text in English:

Великий полководец, знаменитый государственный деятель, человек необыкновенной судьбы Наполеон Бонапарт

сошел с исторической сцены в июле 1815 года.

Шесть лет после этого на затерянном в океане скалистом острове еще теплилась жизнь человека, пережившего

свою славу. Это была растянувшаяся на долгие месяцы агония узника, обреченного на медленную смерть. Английское

правительство, на великодушие которого рассчитывал Наполеон, не оправдало его ожиданий. Оно поставило своего

пленника в тяжелые и унизительные условия мелочной и придирчивой опеки, отравлявшей последние годы его жизни.

В эти долгие дни испытаний и несчастья он показал мужество и твердость духа, заставившие забыть о многих его

прежних преступлениях.

С расстояния в сто пятьдесят— сто восемьдесят лет голоса минувшей эпохи доходят до нас приглушеннее. Но историк,

восстанавливающий картину давно ушедшего времени и его героев, уже свободен от пристрастий и предубежденности