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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

A. 1. What nonsense people talked when they said you could tell character from faces. 2. She was usually cast for character parts.

3. The portrayal of the two characters is built on the contrast between appearance and reality. 4. His behaviour seemed out of

character. 5. It had never occurred to him that after 25 years of complete happiness his character would gradually lose its strength. 6.

But it is not at all characteristic of him. 7. But it was a new kind of moodiness, with tears threatening.

8. Knowing that danger threatened, the sentry was on the alert.

9. As for this man, there was no sign that the threats would come to anything. 10. Drunken drivers pose a grave threat to road users.

1 1 . Mrs. Davis was boiling a pot of grub. She bade us sit down, stirred the pot and then sank into a wicker chair. 1 2 . H e looked at

her and his heart sank: she seemed to be in one of her moods and would not concentrate on what he was saying. 1 3 . I knew that

Fred was untrustworthy, but I'd no idea he'd ever sink to doing a thing like that. 1 4 . Robert had learnt a valuable Tesson if he had the

sense to hold on to it. 1 5 . The beauty of the picture stirred in me a most enthusiastic sense of admiration. 1 6 . A strange sense of loss

came over him. 1 7 . Common sense told her it was useless at this stage to say anything about what she had seen yesterday. 1 8 .

Agnes was one of those sensitive types who go through life looking for any offence left lying about for the taking. 1 9 . There was a

sudden sense of strain in the atmosphere. 20. Do have some sense of proportion, Martin. 2 1 . One could always appeal to Carlyon's

sense of humour. 22. "You're a very sensible boy," Mr. Bowles said approvingly. 23. It was useless arguing with Jan. One couldn't talk

sense into her. 24. When Ned was angry he lost his sense of the ridiculous.

A. 1. She was in a queer spirit and I was cautious enough not to insist on my offer. 2. Caution visibly held him back. 3. I've

already seen enough to insist that ordinary precautions be taken. 4. So far his interview with Mike had proceeded cautiously — on both

sides. 5. It seemed that caution was the one virtue he recognized. 6 . 1 was in my room when Paul slipped in, his eyes shining. 7. He

knew he'd gone out on some errand and it absolutely slipped his memory. 8. Lucy slipped quickly out of bed and went along the

passage to her sister's room. 9. I dreamed of dreadful abysses amongst which I was wandering knowing that a slip of the foot meant

death. 1 0 . She moved to the door, and slipped home the little bolt. 1 1 . He tore the slip of paper in two, and tossed it into the fire. 1 2 .

It was no mere slip of the tongue that had caused Branwell to make that gross error. 1 3 . Mrs. Reed looked frightened; her work had

slipped from her knee. 1 4 . He laughed again, and it struck me that his laugh was unusually bitter. 15. There was a terrible bitter row

over George's going to college. 1 6 . He thought of June and her dead mother, and the whole story, with all his old bitterness. 1 7 .