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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

revenged to revenge oneself, e. g. She was revenged but that brought her little satisfaction.

revenge n the act of paying back evil for evil; to have/get/take (one's) revenge on (upon) smb. to revenge oneself on (upon) smb., e.

g. I'll have my revenge on you for what you did. to do smth. in revenge to injure smb. paying back evil, e. g. Andrew was aware that

the man might do much harm in revenge.

revengeful adj desiring revenge, as revengeful people.

Word Combinations and Phrases

to disguise oneself

to refuse pointblank

to be under arrest

to break down

to smile through one's tears

to make a scene

to rob smb. of smth.

to try one's tricks on smb.

to fling smth.

to be beside oneself

to cut a foolish figure

to go too far

to intercept information

to make use of smb. (or smth.)

to be taken aback


1. a) Listen to the recording of Text Six and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.

2. Put twenty questions to the text.

3. Copy out from Text Six the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given above. Translate them into Russian.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases given on p. 188.

1. Brown was held as a prisoner for a month. 2. On his first day in New York John's money was stolen and he had no one to turn to

for help. 3. Aren't you ashamed of throwing stones at the dog? It hasn't done you any harm, has it? 4 . 1 asked him to join us, but he

wouldn't. 5. "No use trying to cheat me. I see you through," said Nick. 6 . 1 found Bret mad with anger, he was evidently in no state to

listen to reason. 7. Nothing you say will compel me to do it. 8. You know how proud and touchy he is, he would rather keep in the

background than show himself in a ridiculous light. 9. "It was awfully mean of him to seize the letter that was not meant for him," said

Janet. 10. Taken unawares, she lost her presence of mind. 1 1 . When she was left alone, her nerve failed her and she cried bitterly.

12. We evidently can't agree on this point, but why shout in public? 1 3 . That's saying too much, so far we don't know anything for

certain. 1 4 . The way Ann is exploiting her sister's kindness is really shameful.

5. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases (p. 188):

1. Кривз находился под арестом уже месяц, но все еще категорически отказывался давать показания. 2. Из окна вагона

Джон видел, как она улыбнулась сквозь слезы и помахала ему рукой. 3. Говорили, что у старого Тима припрятаны денежки и

что держит он их у себя дома, недаром же он так боялся, что его дом ограбят. 4. Андрей бросил письмо на стол, но через

минуту снова взял его и стал читать. 5. Не пытайтесь одурачить меня. Из этого все равно ничего не выйдет. 6. Джейн была