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Майкл Коннелли

There was a red X that marked the spot where the bones had been found. Bosch stood and stared at the street diagram without asking a question.

"We should've done this from the start," Edgar said.

"How's it work?"

"The green names are residents in nineteen eighty who moved sometime after. The blue names are anybody who came after 'eighty but has already left. The black names are current residents. Anywhere you see just a black name — like Guyot right here — that means they've been there the whole time." Bosch nodded. There were only two names in black. Dr. Guyot and someone named Al Hutter, who was at the end of the street farthest from the crime scene.

"Good," Bosch said, though he didn't know what use the chart would be now.

"What's in the box?" Edgar asked.

"The skateboard. Jesper found something."

Bosch put the box down on his desk and took off the top. He told and showed Edgar the scratched date and initials.

"We've got to start looking at Trent again. Maybe look at that theory you had about him moving into the neighborhood because he had buried the kid up there."

"Tesus Harry I was almost joking about that "_

Место обнаружения костей было помечено красным X. Босх уставился на схему улицы, ни о чем не спрашивая.

- Надо было сделать это с самого начала, - заметил Эдгар.

- Что означают эти цвета? - спросил Босх.

- Зеленые фамилии - те, кто жил там в восьмидесятом году, а потом съехал. Синие - те, кто поселился после восьмидесятого года, но затем тоже сменил адрес. Черные - как Гийо - означают, что люди все время жили там.

- Хорошо, - сказал Босх, хотя не представлял, какой теперь может быть прок от этой схемы.

Поставив ящик на стол, Босх открыл крышку. Показал напарнику выцарапанные инициалы и дату на скейтборде.

- Нужно опять заняться Трентом. Рассмотреть твою теорию, что он поселился там потому, что похоронил на холме мальчика.

- Господи, Гарри, да я говорил это чуть ли не в шутку.

"Yeah, well, it's no joke now. We have to go back, put together a whole profile on Trent going all the way back to nineteen eighty, at least."

"And meantime we catch the next case here. That's real sweet."

"I heard on the radio it's supposed to rain this weekend. If we're lucky it will keep everybody inside and quiet."

"Harry, inside is where most of the killing is done."

Bosch looked across the squad room and saw Lt. Billets standing in her office. She was waving him in. He had forgotten that Edgar said she was looking for him. He pointed a finger at Edgar and then back at himself, asking if she wanted to see them both. Billets shook her head and pointed back only at Bosch.

He knew what it was about.

"I gotta go see Bullets."

Edgar looked up at him. He knew what it was about, too.

"Good luck, partner."

"Yeah, partner. If that's still the case."

He crossed the squad room to the lieutenant's office. She was now seated behind her desk. She didn't look at him when she spoke.

"Harry, you've got a forthwith from the Oh-Three. Call Lieutenant Bollenbach before you do anything

else That's an order " Bosch nodded_