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Майкл Коннелли

Bosch was stunned. RHD was a promotion. He had been demoted from RHD to Hollywood more than ten years earlier. He looked at Billets, who also had a look of suspicious surprise on her face.

"Did you say RHD?"

"Yes, Detective, Robbery-Homicide Division. Are these orders clear?"

"What's my assignment?"

"I just told you. You report at —"

"No, I mean what do I do at RHD? What's my assignment there?"

"You'll have to get that from your new commanding officer on the morning of the fifteenth. That's all I have for you, Detective Bosch. You have your orders. Have a nice weekend."

He clicked off and a dial tone came from the speaker.

Bosch looked at Billets.

"What do you think? Is this some kind of a joke?" "If it is, it's a good one. Congratulations."

"But three days ago Irving told me to quit. Then he turns around and sends me downtown?"

"Well, maybe it's because he wants to watch you

more closely_

Детектив Иероним Босх, вам приказано явиться на службу в отдел расследования убийств и разбоев пятнадцатого января к восьми ноль-ноль. Это все. Приказ вам ясен?

Босх был ошеломлен. Перевод в ОРУР представлял собой повышение. Его выставили оттуда в Г олливуд больше десяти лет назад. Он взглянул на Биллетс, выражение ее лица было недоверчиво-удивленным.

- Вы сказали ОРУР?

- Да, детектив, отдел расследования убийств и разбоев. Приказ ясен?

- Какое у меня назначение?

- Я только что вам сказал. Вы должны явиться...

- Нет, я имею в виду, чем буду заниматься в ОРУР? Какое у меня назначение там?

- Вы узнаете об этом пятнадцатого числа утром у своего начальника. Это все, что я могу вам сообщить, детектив Босх. Приказ вы получили. Приятных выходных.

Он положил трубку, из динамика послышались частые гудки. Босх взглянул на Биллетс:

- Это какая-то шутка?

- Если да, то хорошая. Поздравляю.

- Но три дня назад Ирвинг велел мне готовиться к отставке. А потом он передумывает и посылает меня в центр?

- Ну, может, он хочет наблюдать за тобой попристальней.

They don't call Parker Center the glass house for nothing, Harry. You better be careful."

Bosch nodded.

"On the other hand," she said, "we both know you should be down there. You should've never been taken out of there in the first place. Maybe it's just the circle closing. Whatever it is, we're going to miss you. I'll miss you, Harry. You do good work." Bosch nodded his thanks. He made a move toward leaving but then looked back up at her and smiled. "You're not going to believe this, especially in light of what just happened, but we're looking at Trent again. The skateboard. SID found a link to the boy on it."

Billets threw her head back and laughed loudly, loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in the squad room.

"Well," she said, "when Irving hears that, he's definitely going to change RHD to Southeast Division, for sure."

Her reference was to the gang-infested district at the far end of the city. A posting that would be the pure-form example of freeway therapy.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Bosch said. Billets dropped the smile and got serious. She asked Bosch about the latest turn in the case and listened intently while he outlined the plan to put together what would