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G. I. Kositsky

role in origin of sensation*, (II) 267

specific nuclei, (II) 263ff associated, (II) 264, 266 relay, (11) 264, 266

Theory Bernstein-Hodgkin, (II) 12 Breuer’s, (II) 162 Darwin’s, (I) 20 duplex, (II) 194 Edkins’, (I) 240 filtration-reabsorption, (I) 340 Helmholtz' resonance, (II) 177 Huxley, (II) 55f

membrane-ion, of resting potential, (II) 11

of higher nervous activity, (II) 329f

of olfaction, (II) 167

of reflection, (I) 24

of symbols, (II) 374

Orbeli’s, (II) 166

reflex, of nervous activity, (I) 22

Rutherford’s telephonic, (II) 177 two signalling systems, (I) 24 Virchow’s, (I) 21

Thermoreceptors, (I) 49; (II) 141, 153, 324

Thermoregulation, (I) 327 ff; (II) 154,324 chemical, (1) 327f, 331ff humoral mechanism of, (I) 333 nervous mechanism of, (I) 330ff;

(II) 154, 324f

physical, (I) 327ff Thiamine, see Vitamin B, Thiourea, (I) 376

Thirst, (I) 272, 276ff, 297; (II) 153

theories of, (1) 276f

Threonine, (I) 282

Thrombin, (I) 65ff

Thrombocytes, (I) 79 Thrombocytopoietins, (I) 84 Thromboplastin, (I) 65ff blood, (I) 65 intrinsic, (I) 65f tissue, (I) 65

Thromboplastinogen, see Antihaemo-philic globulin

Thrombus, (I) 64

Thymine, (I) 41

Thymus secretion, (I) 411 Thyroglobulin, (I) 373, 375, 404 Thyroid gland, (I) 26, 288, 337, 355, 370ff, 404

control of activity, (I) 375f

and thyrotrophic hormone, (I) 376

deficient functioning, (I) 371f

excessive functioning, see Hyperthyroidism

hormones, (I) 369, 373f

action, (I) 374

physiological significance, (I) 376

Thyrotoxicosis, (I) 372

Thyrotrophic hormone, (I) 404f

effect on thyroid function, (I) 376 Thyrotoxine, (I) 286, 292, 369, 373ff as stimulator of insulin secretion,

(I) 383

effect on central nervous system, (I) 375

effect on metabolism, (I) 375

Tissue buffer systems, (I) 58

Tissue hormones, (I) 410f

of alimentary tract, (I) 410 Tissue respiration, (I) 348 Tissues, (I) 31

pH, (I) 291

Tocopherol, «ее Vitamin E Tone, (I) 51 arterial, (I) 149 central vagal, (I) 125 contractile, (II) 116 intestinal muscles, (I) 259 nerve centres, (II) 115f plastic, (II) 116 skeletal muscles, (II) 54f influence of reticular formation,

(II) 250

smooth muscles, (II) 65, 67 tetanic, (II) 116

vasoconstrictor centre, (I) 148 vegetative centres, (II) 309 Total metabolism, (I) 309ff, 318 Toxins, (I) 81 Trace elements, (I) 292 Tract

afferent, (II) 263

ascending, (II) 288

corticobulbar, (II) 236 corticospinal, (II) 234f, 286 descending motor, (II) 284, 286 extracorticospinal, (II) 234, 242 extrapyraxnidal, (II) 234 Lissauer’s, (II) 231 olfactory, (II) 263 pontocerebellar, (II) 286 pyramidal, (II) 234, 328 connections with motor nuclei of brain stem, (II) 236

direct, (II) 234

reticulospinal, (II) 234ff, 238, 247, 250, 323

rubrospinal, (II) 234f, 242 spinocerebellar dorsal, (II) 231 spinocerebellar ventral, (II) 231 spinothalamic lateral, (II) 231, 233 spinothalamic ventral, (II) 231, 233 tectospinal, (II) 234 vestibulospinal, (II) 234ff

Transamination, (I) 40, 302 Transferrin, (I) 83, 295 Transphosphorylation, (I) 40 Treppe, see Staircase phenomenon Triglycerides, (I) 271 Tri-iodothyroacetic acid, (I) 374 Tritanopia, (II) 210 Trypsin, (I) 249f, 253, 377 production caused by vagal stimulation, (I) 253