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G. I. Kositsky

Trypsinogen, (1) 43, 250, 253

Tryptophane, (I) 282f, 302

Tubular epithelium, (I) 337, 343, 345, 347, 352, 354

Tubular secretion, (I) 347ff determination of volume, (I) 348

Tubule, renal, (I) 336ff, 343, 345, 352 collecting, (I) 336ff, 346f, 354 distal convolute d.(I) 336, 343, 346, 352

proximal convoluted, (Г) 336, 343, 346, 352

uriniferous, (I) 366

Tympanic membrane, see Ear drum

Tyramine, (I) 384

Tyrosine, (I) 282. 384

Unconditioned reflex, (I) 51; (II) 101, 268, 330 classification, (I) 33If compounds, (II) 332

Uracil, (I) 41

Urea, (I) 20, 54, 60, 222, 284, 323, 343f, 348f, 346, 359, 362

Ureic acid, (I) 323, 340, 343f, 349, 362 Ureter, automatism, (I) 359 innervation, (I) 360f

Uric acid, (I) 54, 60, 222, 284, 356f

Urinary bladder, (I) 359ff

filling with urine, (I) 359f innervation, (I) 361 plastic tone, (I) 360

Urination, (I) 360ff

spinal centre, (II) 227, 229


and excretion of mineral salts, (I) 293f

calcium content and parathyroid activity, (I) 378

composition, (I) 356ff daily amount, (I) 356 excretion, (I) 350f final, (I) 343f, 347 formation, (I) 336, 339ff

filtration-reabsorption theory of, (I) 340

night, (I) 356

nitrogenous substances eliminated in, (I) 284, 356f

osmotic pressure, (I) 57 pigments, (I) 357 pH, (I) 57, 351 specific gravity, (I) 356 volume, (I) 356

Urobilin, (I) 72, 349, 357

Urochrome, (I) 357

Urogastrone, (I) 242

UtHtaathm time, (II) 28ff, 28

Utriele, (II) 160

Vagotonia, (I) 381f Vagus nerve and gastrin liberation, (I) 241 and histamine liberation, (I) 241 central tone, (I) 125f and adrenaline, (I) 125 and calcium ions, (I) 126 and carbon dioxide, (I) 126 and ebemical factors, (I) 125 and reflex influences, (1) 125 and respiratory phase, (I) 126 effect on leucocyte count, (I) 84 effect on muscles bronchial, (1) 178 gastric, (I) 245f oesophageal, (I) 229 effeet on renal function, (1) 355 effect on respiration, (I) 204ff effect on secretion bile, (I) 255 gastric, (I) 237ff, 242 insulin, (I) 383 intestinal, (I) 257 pancreatic, (I) 251 surfactant, (I) 174 effect on vessels, (I) 147

Valine, (I) 282

Van Slyke’s apparatus, (I) 183

Vas afferens, see Arterioles, renal, afferent

Vas efferens, see Arterioles, renal, efferent

Vascular reactions, (I) 28; (II) 315f tests, (II) 315f adrenaline, (II) 315f dermatographia, (II) 315 histamine, (II) 315f

Vascular tone, (I) 148f; (II) 115 cortical control, (I) 152f

Vasoconstrictors, humoral, (I) 153ff neural, (I) 22, 147ff

Vasopressin, (I) 406f, 410 control of water-salt balance, (I) 297

effect on blood pressure, (I) 154 effect on vessels, (I) 153, 156;

(II) 320

Vegetative functions, centres regulating, (II) 321ff bulbar, (II) 322f hypothalamie, (II) 323 mesencephalic, (П) 323 spinal, (II) 321f role of cerebellum, (П) role of cerebral cortex, (II) 327f role of reticular formation, (II) 326 role of rabcortical formation*, (II) 327