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G. I. Kositsky

Stomach, (I) 229ff breakdown of food in, (I) 233 f empty, of (I) 245 evacuation, (I) 245 mechanism of, (1) 246f fasting, (I) 234 glands, see Gastric glands mechanoreceptors, (I) 239 motor function, (I) 244ff humoral influence, (I) 246 sympathetic nerve influence, (II) 245 vagus nerve influence, (I) 245f periodical activity, (I) 273ff secretion, see Gastric secretion Strength-duration curve, (II) 20f Stress, (I) 390, 409; (II) 319 Stromuhr, (I) 19

Subcortical centre*, (II) 235 influence on vegetative function*, (II) 327

Sublingual gland, (I) 221f innervation, (I) 224f

Submaxillary gland (I) 221f innervation, (I) 224f


no-thnahold, (1) 343, 351 rejected, (I) 223ff threshold, (I) 343, 351

Substantia nigra, (II) 240f connection with cerebral cortex, (II) 268, 290

Succinic dehydrogenase, (I) 345 Sulphate*, (I) 344, 349, 351, 357f Summating potential, (II) 175f Suprarenal gland*, see Adrenal*

Surfactant, (I) 174

Sweat, (I) 362f

Sweat gland*, (I) 335, 362ff innervation, (I) 364f

Sympathetic nerve*, effect on gastric secretion, (I) 238f, 242f

effect on heart, (I) 22, 121ff effect on respiration, (I) 207 effect on salivary glands. (1) 224f effect on skeletal muscle*, (11) 91, 316f

effect on sweating, (I) 364f

effect on vessel*, (I) 147

Sympathetic nervous system, (II) 69, 76, 312ff

adaptations) trophic function, (II) 317, 326

influence on analysers, (II) 145

Sympathetic trunks, (II) 305

Sympathomimetic amines, (I) 384 Synapses, (II) 74, 83, 94ff, 234 axodendritic, (II) 95 axosomatic, (II) 95 excitatory, (II) 95 inhibitory, (II) 95, 117, 123 mechanism of impulse transmission,

(II) 96ff

neuromuscular, (II) 83ff properties, (II) 84

Synaptic apparatus, lability, (II) 40

Synaptic cleft, (II) 83ff, 95, 110

Synaptic delay, (II) 84f, 110

Synaptic knob, (II) 95f

Synaptic transmission of impulses, (II) 83ff

disturbance in fatigue, (II) 90

Synaptic vesicles, (II) 83f

Syndrome, Horner's, (II) 189, 321

Systems of organs, (I) 31

Systole, (I) 87

atrial, (I) 87, 107, 116

ventricular, (I) 87, 107f, 115 electrical, duration of, (I) 102-103

Tachycardia, (I) 104, 126

Tactile sensations, localization, (11) 156 Tactile sensibility, measurement, (II) 156

Taste buds, (II) 167

Taste contrast, (II) 168f

Taste mixture, (II) 168f Tear fluid, (II) 213 Telecardiograph, (I) 99 Temperaments, (II) 354 Temperature reception, (11) 153ff Temporal summation of nerve impulses, (II) 306

Temporary connections, (II) 351, 377 mechanism of establishment, (11) 341ff


Gaskell’s, (I) 88 Minor’s, (I) 363f vegetative functional, (II) 318 Test meal, (I) 232f

Boas-Ewald, (I) 232

Testosterone, (I) 393

Tetanus, (II) 49ff complete, (II) 51f incomplete, (II) 51

Tetra-iodothyronine, see Thyroxine Thalamic animals, (II) 267 Thalamo-hypothalamo-pallidal system, (II) 268

Thalamus, (II) 263ff bilateral connections with cortical sensory areas, (II) 288f connection with cerebellum, (II) 261 function, (II) 263ff non-specific nuclei, (II) 263f, 267, 269