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G. I. Kositsky

Vegetative innervation, (II) 312ff double, (II) 312f

functional antagonism, (II) 312 of blood vessels, (II) 315 of sweat gland*, (II) 314 paradoxical action, (II) 314 significance, (II) 312

Vegetative nervous system, (I) 29, 49;

(II) 69, 76, 223, 300

activating influence, (II) 312

centres, (II) 301

bineural structure of, (II) 302ff tone of, (II) 309

corrective influence, (II) 312

fibres, (II) 303ff

action potentials in, (II) 310

mediators formed in, (II) 310 postganglionic, (II) 303f, 309f, 314

preganglionic, (II) 303f, 309 properties, (II) 309f

rate of impulse conduction, (II) 310

ganglia, (II) 304ff and reflex arcs, (II) 307 functions, (II) 306f intramural, (II) 306 prevertebral, (II) 305 vertebral, (II) 305

parasympathetic, (II) 301, 312f distribution of fibres, (II) 310f, 312

role in reactions of organism, (II) 318ff

sympathetic, (II) 301, 312f adaptation of organism, (II) 320 distribution of fibres, (II) 301f, 312

synapse, (II) 303f conduction of impulses, (II) 310ff

thoracolumbar, (II) 301, 305 Veins

arciform, (I) 339

circulation in, (I) 143ff

renal, (I) 339

Venae arcuatae, «ее Veins, arciform

Venous pressure, (I) 143f

Venous sinus, (I) 88

Ventricular compensatory pause, (I) 105

Ventricular diastole, (I) 109ff

Ventricular systole, (I)109ff

Vestibular apparatus, (II) 159

adequate stimuli, (II) 161

stimulation, (II) 163ff

synapse, (II) 161

Vestibuloreceptors, (I) 49; (II) 141 145, 242, 255

Vestibulum, (II) 160

ViDi, (I) 266ff

Villikinin, (I) 269, 410

Viruses, (I) 30

Visceroceptors, (II) 141, 151ff, 264f physiological role, (II) 152f


absolute threshold of, (II) 202f acuity, (II) 211 binocular, (II) 2Ilf difference threshold of, (II) 206f estimation of depth, (II) 211 estimation of distance, (II) 211 estimation of size, (II) 213 field of, (II) 211 monocular, (II) 211 peripheral, (II) 211

Visual pigments, (II) 195 adaptation to dark and light, (II) 203

synthesis, (II) 190

Visual purple, (II) 143, 190, 195f absorption of light, (II) 196 and vitamin A, (I) 306 breakdown, (II) 196 resynthesis, (II) 195

Vitalism, (I) 19, 23

Vitamin, (I) 26, 281, 297ff, 322, 343

A, (I) 299, 306; (II) 195 Antihaemorrhagic, see Vitamin К B„ (I) 299, 301f B2, (I) 299, 301f B(, (I) 299, 302

B12, (I) 83, 292, 299, 304

B1S, (I) 304

С, (I) 299, 305, 354

D, (I) 295, 299, 306f daily requirements, (I) 299f discovery, (I) 26, 298

E, (I) 299, 307f fat-soluble, (I) 299 H, tee Biotin in human milk, (I) 365

К, (I) 299, 308f of reproduction, see Vitamin E

P, (I) 299, 306

Р-Р, (I) 299, 302 sources, (I) 297f water-soluble, (I) 299 Vitaminization of food, (I) 301 Vitaminology, (I) 25f

Vitreous body, (II) 182, 186, 193 Vivisections, see Experiments, acute


cardiac minute, see Cardiac output stroke, (I) 116ff, 136, 209 systolic, see Volume, stroke

Vomiting, (I) 247f; (11) 102, 238

centre, (II) 239

Vvedensky inhibition, set* Vvedensky’s pessimum

Vvedensky’s pessimum, (II) 88ff, 120, 123

Wakefulness, prolonged, (II) 361f

Walking, (II) 291ff

Water, (I) 322

absorption, (I) 271

bound, (I) 296

constitutional, (I) 296

content in blood, (I) 296