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G. I. Kositsky

peristaltic movements, (I) 259, 261, 269

rhythmical segmentation, (I) 259 sympathetic nerve influence, (1) 259f

vagus nerve influence, (I) 259ff periodical activity, (I) 273, 275f secretion, (I) 256f

tone, (I) 259

Snellen’s types, (II) 211

Sneering, (I) 207; (II) 239

Soaps, (1) 253, 262

Sodium, (I) 36f, 47f

and aldosterone secretion, (I) 369 and excitation of cardiac muscle, (I) 93

and parathyroid hormone secretion, (I) 369

and resting potential of nerve fibre, (II) 13f

depot, (1) 293

in endolymph and perilymph, (11) 173

in nerve and muscle cells, (II) 11 metabolism, (1) 293f

role in organism, (I) 292f

Sodium-potassium pump, (I) 36, 47;

(II) 42f, 74, 80

Solubility, coefficient of, (I) 181 Solution physiological, (I) 61f hypertonic, (I) 61, 350 hypotonic, (I) 61, 281, 350 isosmotic, (I) 61 isotonic, (1) 61, 268 Locke's, (I) 61 Ringer's, (I) 61, 97f Tyrode’s, (1), 61

Somatic nervous system, (II) 69, 300 Somatotrophic hormone, see Growth hormone

Somatotrophic, see Growth hormone Sound, bone conduction, (II) 172 Sound perception, (II) 172 ff area, (II) 180f

Sound threshold intensity, (11) 181 Spatial coding of sound information, (II) 179

Spatial summation of excitation, (11) 124

Spatial summation of nerve impulses, (II) 306

Specific dynamic action of foods, (II) 284, 322

Spermatogenesis, (I) 307

Spermatozoa, (I) 308

Spherical aberration, (II) 187f Sphincter, ileocaecal, (1) 262 of common bile duct, (1) 255 of urethra, (I) 360f of urinary bladder, (I) 360f prepyloric, (I) 244 pyloric, (I) 244, 246f rectal, (I) 246

Sphygmogram, (1) 115, 139f Sphygmograph, (I) 138 Spinal animals, (II) 216, 240 Spinal ataxia, (II) 225 Spinal cord, (II) 222ff anterior columns, (II) 234 anterior horns, (1) 223, 235 anterior roots, (II) 223ff ascending tracts, (II) 231, 233 conduction function, (II) 222, 231ff, connections with cerebellum, (II) 261

descending tracts, (II) 234 dorsal roots, (II) 223ff gray matter], (II) 93, 224, 231, 233 lateral columns, (II) 231, 233f lateral horns, (11) 223 nerve fibres of spinal roots, (II) 224, 231

peripheral distribution, (II) 225f posterior column, (II) 224, 231ff 296

posterior roots, (II) 223, 231 reflex function, (II) 222, 227ff ventral roots, (II) 223

white matter, (II) 93, 233, 235

Spinal ganglia, (11) 231 Spirometer, (1) 175 Spleen, (I) 79, 82, 295 as site of bile pigment production, (1) 254 reservoir function, (I) 156f, 329

Stabilogram, (II) 295 Stabilograph, (II) 296 Staircase phenomenon, (I) 48 Standing, (I) 294ff Stapes, (II) 170f Starch, (I) 224, 258 Starvation, (1) 282f mineral, (I) 292 protein, (1) 285

Stearic acid, (1) 286 Stercobilin formation, (I) 72 Stereotaxis, (11) 218f Sterols, (1) 289 Stimulation, (1) 45ff; (II) 18ff chemical, (1) 12 direct, (1) 46 electrical, (I) 12, 18, 46 indirect, (I) 46 mechanical, (I) 12 threshold, (1) 46

Stimulus, (I) 44ff; (II) 18ff adequate, (1) 45; (II) 141, 152 chemical, (I) 45, 93 conditioned, (II) 331, 340 differentiation of, (II) 346ff negative, (II) 348 positive, (II) 348 inadequate, (1) 45; (II) 142 minimum strength, (I) 46 physical, (I) 45 subthreshold, (II) 19 suprathreshold, (II) 19 threshold, (II) 19, 32 unconditioned, (II) 331