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G. I. Kositsky

Retinal dominators, (11) 209

Retinal modulators, (II) 209

Retine, (I) 17

Retinene, (II) 191, 195

Retinene reductase, (II) 195 Retinol, see Vitamin A Retractozyme, (I) 66, 79 Rheobase, (II) 21

Rhodopsin, see also Visual purple, (II) 195, 197, 208 absorption of light, (II) 196 resynthesis, (II) 195, 203

Rhythmical segmentation, (I) 259 Riboflavin, see Vitamin B2 Ribonucleic acid, (I) 41

synthesis during excitation, (II) 42

Ribose, (I) 41

Ribosomes, (I) 83

Rickets, (I) 295, 298

RNA, see Ribonucleic acid

Rods, (I) 46; (II) 190, 192, 194, 197f pigments in, (II) 195

Round window, (II) 171ff

Ruffini's end organs, (II) 153 Running, (II) 293

Rutin, (1) 306

Saccule, (II) 160

Safety factor of transmission, (II) 73 Saliva, (I) 217, 271 composition, (I) 222f daily amount, (1) 223 enzymes, (I) 224 properties, (1) 222 protein, see Saliva, serous serous, (I) 221

Salivary glands, (I) 221f

Salivary secretion, (I) 223f, 227

control, (I) 224ff

inhibition, (I) 226 latent period, (1) 224 mechanism, (I) 226ff stimulation, (I) 224

Salt appetite, (I) 297 Salt fever, (I) 293 Sarcolemma, (II) 44f Sarcosomee, (II) 44 Scala media, (II) 173 Scala tympani, (II) 171f, 174, 179 Scala vestibuli, (II) 17If, 174, 179 Scattered elementa, (II) 283 Scurvy, (1) 298 Seasickness, (II) 164f Sebum, (I) 335, 365 Sechenov’s apparatus, (1) 183 Secretin, (I) 252, 254 Secretin-pancreozymin, (I) 410 Secretion, morphonecrotic, (1) 257 Secretion, morphostatic, (I) 257 Secretion granules, (1) 227 Semi-circular canal, (II) 160, 162f, 171 Sensation of loudness, (II) 180f Sensations, (II) 377 authenticity of, (II) 373ff

Sensitivity, (1) 17

recurrent, (II) 223

Serotonin, (I) 79, 155, 260, 410f; (II) 68, 98

Sex characters dependent, (1) 392 independent, (1) 392 secondary, (1) 392f, 396

Sex glands, (I) 370, 391ff as sites of hormone production, (I) 391ff

control of activity, (I) 393f influence on fat metabolism, (I) 288

Sex hormones content in urino, (I) 391 female, see Oestrogens male, see Androgens of adrenal cortex, (1) 387, 390 physiological role, (I) 391 placental, (I) 400 eite of formation, (1) 392

Sexual maturation, (I) 394ff and vitamin Б, (I) 308

SG, see Sphygmogram Sham feeding, (1) 23Of, 236 Sham rage, (II) 325


myelin, (II) 69ff, 73, 106 of Schwann, (II) 69f

Shock anaphylactic, (1) 62, 82 histamine, (I) 155 hypoglycaemic, see Shock, insulin insulin, (I) 382 post-transfusion, (1) 76f spinal, (II) 256ff, 249 and reticular formation, (II) 228


altitude, (I) 211

caisson, see Sickness, decompression

decompression, (1) 215 mountain, see Sickness, altitude serum, (I) 62

development in children, (II) 368 first, (II) 365, 367ff, 377, 379 interrelation with subcortex, (II) 371ff

second, (II) 365ff, 378 role in various cortical areas, (11) 369f

Silicone, (I) 292

Sinu-atrial node, (1) 87ff, 90ff

Skatole, (1) 263, 272, 357 Small intestine

automatism, (I) 259 digestion in, (1) 256ff influence of nervous system, (I)


motor function. (1) 258ff humoral control, (I) 260ff, 385 pendular movements, (I) 259, 261