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G. I. Kositsky

Reflex after-action, (II) 113f circulation of nerve impulse, (11) 114

Reflex arc, (1) 22, 55; (II) 55, 72, 102ff bineuronal, (11) 103 monosynaptic, see Reflex are, bineuronal

multineuronal, (II) 102, 105 polysynaptic, see Reflex arc, multineuronal

spinal, (II) 231

trineuronal, (II) 103

Reflex time, (II) 109, 118 true (central), (11) 109 Reflexes, (II) 100 coordination of, (II) 124ff development of, (11) 105f discovery of, (I) 16 latent period of, (II) 109 neurone connections in, (11) 104 peripheral axon, (1) 195 receptive field of, see Reflexogenic zones

types of, (II) lOOff

Reflexogenic zones, (II) 103, 105f, 111 and circulation, (I) 161f aortal, (1) 149f; (II) 322 in heart, (1) 128f, 202 sinocarotid, (I) 149f, 202; (11)322 vascular, (I) 126ff, 149ff, 198, 207, 213; (II) 132

Refractory state, (1) 48

Relative refractory phase, (11) 38 Relaxin, (1) 399

Renin, (1) 154, 336, 339, 352, 410 Rennin, see Chy mo sine Repolarization, (II) 15 Respiration, (I) 168ff

abdominal, see Respiration, diaphragmatic

artificial, (I) 73, 215f at increased atmospheric pressure,

(I) 214f at reduced atmospheric pressure, (I) 211f

cell, (I) 168

Cheyne-Stokes, (I) 214 conditioned-reflex changes, (II) 334

control of, (I) 196ff costal, (1) 170 diaphragmatic, (I) 170 during physical work, (1) 209ff effect of spinal section, (II) 226f external, (I) 168ff internal, (I) 168

mechanism of, (I) 28, 169ff

periodic, see Respiration, Cheyne-Stokes

reflex self-regulation, (1) 204

thoracic, see Respiration,, costal Respiratory centre, (I) 196ff

automatism of, (1) 198 cerebral cortex control, (1) 208f chemoreceptors in control of, (I)


effect of carbon dioxide on, (1) 20 Of, 205, 207, 211

effect of carbonic acid on, (I) 200ff

effect of centropnein on, (1) 382 effect of hydrogen ion concentration on, (I) 201f

effect of oxygen deficiency on, (I) 202Д 207

localization, (I) 196ff mechanoreceptors in control of, (1) 204f

relation between expiratory and inspiratory neurones, (1) 205ff Respiratory minute volume, (I) 178f Respiratory movements, mechanism of, (I) 17

Respiratory quotient, (I) 311, 316ff, 380

during work, (I) 317f Resting current, (II) 10 Resting potential, (11) 9ff, 14, 16, 27, 321

origin, (II) lOff membrane-ion theory, (II) 11 Resuscitation, (I) 215 Reticular formation, (II) 159, 234, 260, 323

activation of, (II) 238

and adrenaline production, (I) 326 and external inhibition of con

ditioned reflex, (II) 344 and inhibition of excitation ra

diation, (II) 126 bilateral connections with cerebral cortex, (II) 289

influence on analysers, (II) 145 influence on spinal cord, (II) 247ff influence on vegetative functions, (II) 326, 328

physiological importance, (II) 246f role in origin of painful sensations.

(II) 268

Reticulocytes, (1) 83

Reticulo-endothelial system, (I) 81, 83 as site of bilirubin production, (I) 254

Retina, (II) 182, 186ff afferent fibres, (11) 194 directional effect, (II) 191 efferent fibres, (II) 194 electrical phenomena, (II) 197ff neurones, (II) 200 photochemical reactions, (II) 195f structure, (II) 190f synapses, (II) 193f