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G. I. Kositsky

Receptor, (I) 46, 48ff, 85; (II) 99f, 140ff

acoustic, (II) 169 adaptation of, (II) 145f

carotid body, (11) 152 carotid sinus, (II) 152 classification, (I) 49; (II) 141 cold, (II) 153ff contact, (11) 141 distance, (II) 141 excitatory, (II) 141f field of reflex, (II) 148 functional mobility of, (11) 146 gustatory, (II) 167ff hair ceU, (II) 173ff heat, (II) 153ff

mechanism of excitation, (II) 142f nociceptive, (II) 149f

olfactory, (II) 165f

pain, (II) 233

pressure, (II) 155

reaction to stimuli, (II) 147f skin, (II) 154 stretch, (II) 54 tactile, (11) 151, 155f, 233 taste, (II) 264 thermal, (II) 153ff, 233 threshold, of stimulation, (II) 142 touch, (I) 155f

visual, (II) 182

Receptor potential, (II) 142ff, 199, 205

summation, of. (II) 200 Recipient, (I) 76 Reciprocal innervation, (II) 127ff

of antagonist muscles, (II) 128 Recirculation wave, (I) 117 Reduced eye, (II) 183 Reflection of reality,

abstract generalized, (II) 377 concrete sensory, (II) 377


AchiUes-tendon, (II) 102, 229 allied, (II) 133 antagonistic, (II) 133 automatic chain, (II) 293 axon, (II) 307ff Babinski’s, (II) 101, 287 distorted, (II) 234 blinking, (II) 238f Brainbridge, (I) 128 bulbar, (II) lOlf chain, (II) 131 chewing, (II) 283, 331 conditioned, see Conditioned reflexes

consensual light, (II) 188

corneal, (II) 102 cortical, (II) 101 crossed extension, (II) 119, 127 coughing, (II) 238 defaecatory, (II) 101, 229

defence respiratory, (1) 178, 207 defensive, (II) 100, 268, 331 depressor, (I) 150, 152 diencephalic, (11) 101 ejaculation, (11) 228

erection, (11) 229

extension, (II) 228 exteroceptive, (II) 100

feeding, (II) 268

flexion, (II) 101, 113, 119, 127 228

Goltz’, (I) 128f; (11) 322 “guarding”, (II) 241 Hering-Breuer, see Respiration, reflex self-regulation

homeostasis, (II) 331f interoceptive, (11) 100

knee-jerk, (II) 102, 106, 229 locomotor, (II) 100 mesencephalic, (II) lOlf

motor, (II) 101

myotatic, (II) 104, 228

nutritional, (11) 100, 105, 331 oculocardiac Aschner’s, (I) 129;

(II) 318, 322

orientation, (II) 100, 240, 268, 331f

pain, (II) ISOf

parental, (11) 332

patellar, see Reflex, knee-jerk pathological, (II) 234

phasic, (II) 249, 258, 262

Philippson’s, (II) 228 plantar, (II) 101, 106 postural-tonic, (11) 100, 143, 158 proprioceptive, (II) 100, 105 pupillary, (II) 102, 187ff, 240 pyloric obturation, (1) 246f respiratory-cardiac, (11) 237 rhythmic, (II) 131 righting, (11) 243, 245 rubbing, (II) 101 salivary, (1) 224, 226; (II) 331 scratching, (II) 101, 228 secretory, (II) 101

sexual, (II) 100, 268, 331 sneezing, (II) 237f

spinal, (I) 22, 220ff; (II) lOlff static, (II) 244

statokinetic, (II) 243, 246, 331f sucking, (II) 102, 238, 331 summation, (II) 342

swallowing, (II) 237f, 331 symphathetic, (I) 1,26 tendon-muscle, (II) 102, 105

tonic, (II) 237, 242ff, 246, 249, 262

unconditioned, see Unconditioned reflex

vagal, (1) 126, 129 vascular, (I) 149ff vasomotor, (II) 101, 229 vegetative, (II) 317ff vestibule-motor, (II) 164 vestibule-sensory, (II) 164 veetibnlo-vegetative, (11) 164 visceroceptive, (11) 100 viscero-viseeral, (I) 262; (II) 317f vomiting, (1) 247 f; (11) 102, 238