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G. I. Kositsky

pressure in, (I) 173ff

Pneumothorax, (1) 175

Poikilothermy, (I) 38

Polycythaemia, (I) 84

Polydipsia, (1) 380

Polyneuritis, see Beri-beri

Polypeptides, (1) 234, 260

Polyuria, (I) 351, 380

Postsynaptic membrane, (II) 84f, 88, 95f, 110

permeability to sodium and po

tassium ions, (II) IS, 186 Postsynaptic potential, (II) ISff, 90 excitatory, (II) 96f, 121 inhibitory, (II) 121f Prsecestrus, see Female sex cycle, preovulation period Pre-automatic pause, (I) 91 Precipitation, (I) 82 Precipitin*, (I) 82 Presbyopia, (11) 186 Pressoreceptors, (I) 49, 1266, 150f Presynaptsc membrane, (II) 83f, 95 Presynaptic terminals, (II) 89, 123 Presystole, (I) 112 Principle of final common pmh, (II) 132f

Proconvertin, ам Factor VII Profibrinolysin, (I) 67 Progastrin, (1) 240 Progesterone, (I) 387, 393f, 387ff effect on mammary glands, (I) 366, 399

Prolactin, (I) 366, 394, 399£, 403 and utilisation of glucose, (1) 403

effect on secretion of milk, (I) 403 Properdin, (I) 62f Proprioceptors, (I) 49, 210; (II) 131, 141, 145, 157ff, 163, 231, 255 Pro-secretin, (I) 252 Prostigmin, (II) 310 Protanopia, (II) 210 Proteases, (I) 217, 233 Protein, (I) 4 Iff, 322 absorption, (1) 269f

amino acid composition, (1) 281f biological incompatibility, (I) 42 biological value, (I) 283 blood, (I) 280 breakdown, (1) 233, 281ff cell, specificity of, (I) 42 contractile, (1) 43 daily intake, (I) 324 f deficiency, (I) 325 during excitation, (II) 41 energy significance, (I) 280 expendable, see Protein, reserve foreign, (I) 55, 82 in cerebrospinal fluid, (II) 297 in human milk, (I) 356f metabolism, (I) 43, 280ff, 372, 389

minimum, (I) 324 plastic significance, (I) 280 reserve, (I) 285 starvation, (I) 285 synthesis, (I) 41 ff, 280, 400 tissue, (I) 280, 283 Proteinase, (I) 373

Prothrombin, (I) 65ff, 308 Protofibril*, (II) 55 Provitamin*, (I) 297 Pseudoreflex, see Reflex axon Psychopharmacology, (II) 117 Ptyalin, (I) 234 Puberty gland, (I) 393 Pulmonary ventilation, (I) 178f in different part* of lunjn, (1) 193ff

minute volume of, (I) 178 Pulse

allorhythmic, (I) 140 amplitude, (I) 139 arterial, (I) 138ff central, (1) 139 curve of, (1) 139 deficit, (I) 139 hardness, (I) 139 rate, (1) 139 velocity, (1) 139 venous, (I) 145 wave, (1) 138 Pulse pressure, (I) 136f Pulsus celer, (I) 139 Pulsus tardus, (I) 139 Puncta dolorosa, (II) 149 Pupil, (II) 187ff Purines, (I) 356, 357 Purkinje's fibres, (1) 87ff, 98 Purkinje-Sanson images, (II) 184f Pylorus and humeral stimulation of gastric secretion, (I) 240 Pyridoxine, see Vitamin B( Pyruvic acid, (1) 300; (II) 58f

Radioactive tracers, (I) 55 Radiopill, (1) 220f Radiotelemetric techniques of alimentary tract study, (I) 220f Radiotelemetry, (I) 14 Ramus communican*, (II) 305 Reabsorption, tubular, (I) 342ff determination, (I) 344 facultative, (I) 347, 352 mechanism of, (I) 345ff obligatory, (I) 347 potassium, (I) 352 sodium, (I) 345ff, 351f water, (I) 350f

in diabetes mellitu*, (I) 380 Reactivity of organs, (II) 314 Rebound, (II) I30f, 288