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G. I. Kositsky

Parathyroprival tetany, (I) 376f latent, (1) 377

Parotin, (I) 411

Parotid gland, (I) 221f

innervation, (I) 224f PCG, see Phonocardiogram Pelentan, (I) 67 Pellagra, (1) 298 Pepsin, (I) 233ff, 250 Pepsinogens, (I) 233

activation of, (I) 233

Peptidases, (I) 256

Peptides, (1) 269

Perception, (II) 377

authenticity of, (II) 373ff by sense organs, (1) 19 of depth, (II) 211 of sound, (II) 177ff

intensity, (II) 179f

pitch, (II) 177f

range of (II) 180

Perfusion, (I) 12f, 90

Perilymph, (II) 160, 173ff, 178ff Period

absolute refractory, (I) 96f; (II) 38, 40

of declining tension, (I) 112

of effort, (I) 317

of recovery, (I) 317

of subnormality, (II) 38f

of eupernormality, (II) 38f protodiastolic, (1) 112f, 115 refractory, (11) 38 relative refractory, (I) 97 sphygmic, (1) 111

Peripheral receptive fields, (II) 281 Permeability vitamin, see Vitamin P Peroxy da в (I) 295


effective, (I) 329

emotional, (II) 314

sensible, (I) 334

thermal, (II) 314

Phagocytes, giant, see Macrophages Phagocytosis, (I) 54, 80 Phenol, (1) 263, 272, 357 Phenylalanine, (I) 282, 407 Phlebogram, (I) 145f Phonocardiogram, (I) 115 Phonocardiography, (1) 116 Phonoreceptors, (1) 49; (II) 141 Phosphagen, (11) 43 Phosphates, (I) 344, 349, 357 Phosphatides, (I) 288f Phospholipid synthesis, (I) 271, 304 Phosphorus

and calcium, (I) 294 metabolism, (1) 295 role in organism, (I) 292f Phosphorus-calcium metabolism and

vitamin D, (I) 307 Phosphorus ions, (I) 36f, 47, 68, 292f and resting potential of nerve

fibre, (II) 13

effect on cardiac contraction, (I) 130

in endolymph and perilymph, (II) 173

in nerve and muscle cells, (II) 11 metabolism, (I) 294 Phosphorylase, (1) 290, 382 Phosphorylation, (I) 44, 290, 295 Photokymograph, (II) 46 Photophobia, (II) 195 Photoreceptors, (I) 49; (II) 141, 190, 192ff, 199ff, 205

Phyllo quinone, see Vitamin К Physiology, (I) 7

analytic, (1) 13

and other sciences, (1) Off ceU, (I) 8, 20

clinical, (I) 10 comparative, (1) 8, 20, 29 development, (I) 14ff evolutionary, (I) 8, 29

experimental, (I) 11, ISff

general, (1) 7

method* of research, (1) lift, 23

normal, (I) 8

of digestion, (1) 23, 218

of higher nervous activity, (1) 23

of nutrition, (1) 324

Pigment* bile, (1) 253f, 263 light-sensitive, (II) 195f urinary, (I) 357

Pineal body, (I) 409f

and activity of sex glands, (1) 394

hormones, (I) 409f

Pilocarpine, (I) 277

Pituicytes, (I) 406

Pituitary body, see Pituitary gland

Pituitary dwarf, (I) 401f

Pituitary gigantism, (I) 402

Pituitary gland, (I) 400ff

and lactation, (I) 366

and mammary glands, (I) 366

and sex glands, (I) 393f

and urine concentration, (1) 350f and urine secretion, (I) 354, 356 anterior lobe, (I) 370, 400

control of secretion, (I) 407ff effect on carbohydrate metabolism, (1) 291

effect on fat metabolism, (1) 288 hormones, (1) 400ff

chemical precursors of, (1) 408 par* intermedia, (1) 406 posterior lobe, (I) 406f

Plaques, see Blood, formed elements, platelets

Plasma thromboplastin component, (1) 65f, 124f

Plastic processes, (I) 43 Plethysmograph, (I) 19, 152 Plethysmography, (I) 152, 158 Pleural cavity, see Pleural space Pleural space, (I) 171, 173ff