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G. I. Kositsky

Nutrition, (1) 279, 322ff

Nystagmus, (II) 163, 246

Occlusion, (II) I24f, 306

Ocular fundus, (II) 189

Odours, classification, (II) 167

Oesophagotomy, (I) 230

Oesophagus, movement of food in, (I) 228f

Oestriol, (1) 393

Oestrodiol, (I) 393

Oestrogens, (I) 387, 390f, 394, 397f, 400

and mammary glands, (I) 366, 399 site of formation, (1) 393

Oestrone, (I) 393

Oestrus, see Female sex cycle, ovulation period

Oleic acid, (I) 286

Oncotic pressure, (1) 62f

Ophthalmoscopy, (II) 189

Opsin, (1) 306; (II) 195

Ophthalmoscope, (II) 189

Optic disc, (II) 190, 192

Optic nerve, (II) 192f

action potentials, (II) 198f

Optogram, (II) 196

Organ of Corti, (II) 173ff, 177ff

Organism, (I) 30

adaptation of, (1) 34f, 5 If

and external environment, (I) 34ff biological reactions, (1) 44ff functions, (1) 32ff; (II) 300

control, (I) 52f self regulation, (I) 53

homeostasis, (I) 35« internal environment, (1) 35, 37, 54

levels of organisation, (l)30f

mechanical efficiency, (I) 331

Oscillograph, (1) 27, 99

Osmometer, (I) 56

Osmoreceptors, (I) 49, 350f; (11) 132, 324

Osmotic pressure, (I) 36, 56, 165

measurement, (I) 56f

cryoscopic method, (1) 57

of plasma, (I) 164

of tissue fluid, (I) 165

Ossicles, (II) 170

Osteoblasts, (1) 294

Osteoclasts, (I) 294

Osteomalacia, (1) 307

Otolith apparatus, (II) 160f

stimulation, (11) 162, 164

Otolith membrane, (II) 161ff Otoliths, (11) 160f, 163 Oval window, (II) 170ff Ovulation, (1) 393, 397f Oxalic acids and coagulation of blood, (I) 67


calorific value of, (I) 315ff

content in arterial blood, (1) 182f content in venous blood, (I) 184 debt, (I) 210, 318 deficiency, (I) 84

influence on respiration, (1) 202f partial pressure in air, (I) 181 tension in arterial blood, 192 tension in venous blood, (1) 192 transport by blood, (I) 184ff Oxyhaemoglobin, (I) 7 If, 184, 187 absorption spectrum, (1) 72 dissociation, (1) 184ff, 210

curves (I) 184f Oxyhaemometry, (I) 71 Oxytocin, (1) 366, 406f

Pacemaker of heart, (I) 88 artificial, (1) 94f main, (I) 90 potential, (I) 90

Pacemaker-cell, (1) 92, 95

Pain, referred, (II) 151, 265

Pain anuria, (1) 355

Pain reception, (II) 148ff apparatus, (II) 149 transmission of impulses, (II) 149f

Palmitic acid, (I) 286

Pancreas, (I) 26, 379ff

hormones, (I) 380ff Pancreatic juice, (I) 217f, 248

composition, (1) 249

■nd bile, (I) 253

properties, (I) 249f

secretion in response to various foodstuffs, (1) 2 5 Of

Pancreatic secretion, (I) 271

conditioned reflex stimuli, (I) 251 control, (1) 252, 383 disturbances, (I) 379f latent period, (1) 251 nerve centre, (I) 251 study of, (1) 249

unconditioned reflex stimuli, (1) 251 vagus nerve effect on, (I) 251 Pancreozymin, (1) 253 Pangamic acid, see Vitamin Bl( Pantothenic acid, (1) 299, 303 Para-aminohippuric acid, (1) 348f Parabiosis, (I) 370

Vvedensky’s, (11) 80ff, 356 phases, (II) 81f

Parabiotic inhibition, (II) 356 Parahormones, see Histohormones Parasympathetic nervous system, (11)

• 301ff

Parathormone, see Parathyroid glands, hormone

Parathyroid glands, (1) 26, 376ff control of function, (1) 379 hormone, (1) 295, 377f

and urine phosphorus and calcium content, (1) 355 malfunctioning, (1) 376f