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G. I. Kositsky


degeneration Wallerian, (II) 71 efferent, (1) 49; (II) 103, 108, 112, 223f

fatigue, (II) 80

heat production, (II) 79 lowered lability, see Parabiosis mednllated, (11) 69f, 76, 79, 154 conduction of excitation, (11)


myelinated, see Nerve fibre, medulla ted

non-medullated, (11) 16, 69f, 76, 78f, 82

conduction of excitation, (II) 73f postganglionic, (11) 303ff, 306 preganglionic, (11) 303f regeneration, (II) 71 relative indefatigability, (II) 80 structural elements, (II) 69f trophic function, (II) 90f types of, (11) 75ff unmyelinated, see Nerve fibre, non-medullated

Nerve impulses, (I) 46, 49

afferent, secondary (II) 131 convergence of, (II) 124 occlusion, (II) 124f

spatial summation of, (II) 306

transmission, (I) 33, 50, 124П

chemical, (II) 310

mechanism of, (II) 70

Nerve poisons, (II) 117

Nervism, (1) 21

principle of, (I) 13

Nervous system, (1) 21

information coding, (II) 146ff binary code, (II) 147

inhibition processes, (I) 22 trophic function, (1) 22; (II) 136ff

theories of, (II) 137

types of, (II) 353f

Neurofibrils, (II) 69f, 79

Neuroglia, (II) 94

Neurohypophysis, see Pituitary gland, posterior lobe

Neuronal chain, (II) 140

Neurone, (I) 48ff; (II) 92ff bioelectrical potentials, (II) 93f bipolar, (II) 193 classification, (II) 99ff contact, (I) 49f; (II) 99 effector, (I) 49; (II) 99,102,108 273 efferent, (I) 49 excitatory, (II) 99, 120 excitatory and inhibitory, interaction of, (II) 121 executive, (1) 49 function of, (11) 92, 94 gamma motor, (II) 159 inhibitory, (II) 99, 120 internnncial, (II) 99, 123, 135 methode of study, (II) 98f motor, (1) 49; (II) 99, 273 pyramidal Betz, (II) 273 receptor, (I) 49f; (II) 99, 102, 108 sensory, (II) 99, 273

Neurosis experimental (II) 356f Neutrophil, (I) 80f

count, (I) 84 function, (1) 80

Nicotinamide, see Factor, antipellagra and Vitamin P-P

Night-blindness, (I) 306; (II) 195 Nitrogen balance, (I) 281

negative, (I) 281, 284, 325 positive, (I) 281, 285

content in arterial blood, (1) 182, 184

content in venous blood, (I) 184 elimination from organism, (I) 283 equilibrium, (I) 284f, 324 non-protein, (I) 60

partial pressure in air, (I) 181 retention of, (I) 285

Nitrogenous breakdown products, (I) 284

Nitrometer, (I) 193f Nodes of Ranvier, (II) 70, 73f, 82, 143 Normocytes, (1) 83

Noradrenaline, (I) 27, 48, 385f, 411;

(II) 98, 314, 324 effect on cardiac activity, (I) 124f effect on gastric muscles, (I) 246 effect on intestinal movements, (I) 260

effect on smooth muscles, (I) 246 formation of in endings of vegetative nerves, (II) 310f secretion during nerve stimulation, (11) 78f

Nuclear capsule, (11) 158f

Nucleases, (1) 249, 256

Nucleic acids, (1) 84, 249, 256, 281, 284

and cell metabolism, (1) 41 and protein synthesis, (1) 42 and transmission of characteristics, (I) 41

Nucleus hypothalamic, (11) 255 red, (II) 255, 234, 240, 242, 260f, 268, 290

Schwann, (11) 70 thalamic, (II) 225, 263ff non-specific, (II) 263f, 267, 269 specific, (II) 263ff

vagal, (1) 125, 382

Nutrients, (I) 322f heat of combustion values, (1) 322ff