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6. State verbs (e.g. be, have, suppose, know)

Tis one doesn’t need an explanation. You know what state verbs are…at least you should  • I love this song.

• We know Joey.

• He likes to talk shit about us.

7. Narrations, instructions or commentaries

Wanna tell a story or a joke? Wanna give instructions to your friends, or comment on a football match? Tere you go!

• Jerry goes home and on his way he fnds a 20 dollar bill on the ground. What does he do? Of

course he fucking takes it. He is not dumb lol

• You take 2 tablespoons of sugar and add it to the mix.

• McGregor reaches for him and…Aldo is down!

8. Zero Conditional

We generally use it when we describe situations that have a sort of automatic or habitual tendency. Using this conditional means that we are 100% sure of the result.

Te formula of this one is: PRESENT=PRESENT

• My grandma gets angry if I don’t eat.

• If you boil water, it turns into steam.

9. First Conditional

Tis one is just like all the other conditionals, but the formula of this one is: PRESENT=FUTURE • If you work hard, you’ll see the results.

• If you buy her new shoes now, she will never stop asking.


Basic Form:

Subject + HAS/HAVE + Verb (past form +ed or V3)


I have worked in this feld for over 5 years.

She has gone away.

Us e d for :

1. Actions which happened at an unknown time before now

Use the Present Perfect to talk about stuf that happened at some point in the past. NEVER use it with time expressions like yesterday, last summer, a week ago, etc.

• She has been to Russia.

•]Matthew has already done laundry.

2. Actions in the past which have an efect on the present moment • She has fnished her homework. (so she is just chillin’) • I have already eaten. (so I’m not hungry right now)

3. Actions which began in the past and continue in the present Since and For are commonly used with the Present Perfect. We use For to indicate a period of time and when talking about a starting point, we use Since:

• I have lived here for 3 years.

• I have lived here since 2013.


Basic Form:

Subject + IS/ARE + Verb (continuous form +ing)


He is sleeping.

We’re going to a party at my friend’s house.

I am working.

Us e d for :

1. Present actions

Tese are actions happening at the moment of speaking.

• He is eating a burger.

• Tey are doing homework.

2. Temporary actions

Tis tense is also used for activities continuing only for a limited time period. • Tey are not talking with each other afer the last argument. (Implying they will soon make up) • Daniel is working at Starbucks. (He is working there during the summer holidays)

3. Longer actions in progress

You would use this one when you are in the middle of something time-consuming (something that takes time to complete). You could be writing a book, saving money or studying for a test. • I am working so hard to earn money.

• Tyler is currently writing a musical.

• I am training to become a ftness model.

4. Future arrangements and plans

Tis one is also used to show something is planned and will be done in the near future. • I am meeting Jazmine next weekend.