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I will have perfected my English by the time I fnish this book. Hopefully, you will have paid me back this time next year. You can use them to:

1. Completed Action Before Something in the Future

Te Future Perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future. Also, it’s used to show that something will happen before a specifc time in the future.

2. Duration before something in the future


Basic Form:

[Will Have Been] + Verb(+ing)


I will be waiting for your call tomorrow.

She will be going back to the house shortly.

You can use them to:

1. Interrupted Action in the Future

Use the Future Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future. It could be either a real interruption or just an interruption in time. • I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.

• He will be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.

2. Parallel Action in the Future

When you use the Future Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions will be happening at the same time.

• Tonight, they will be eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.

3. Atmosphere in the Future

We ofen use a series of Parallel Actions to describe atmosphere at a specifc point in the future. • When we arrive at the party, everybody is going to be celebrating. People will be dancing and talking. A few will be eating and drinking beer. It’s gonna be fun.


Basic Form:

[Will Be] + Verb(+ing)


You will have been waiting for more than two hours when she fnally arrives. You can use them to:

1. Duration before something in the future

We use the FPC to show that something will continue up until a particular event or time in the future. • Tey will have been talking for fve hours by the time Mark arrives.

2. Cause of something in the Future

Using the FPC before another action in the future is a good way to show cause and efect. • Jason will be tired when he gets home because he will have been jogging for over an hour.


Te word “possibility” means that something is possible, but other possible variants also exist. Possibility is expressed by the modal verbs MAY, MIGHT, COULD with the meaning that the speaker thinks that something is possible, but doesn’t know for sure.

Te modal verbs MAY, MIGHT, COULD are very close synonyms when it comes to "possibility", though MAY expresses a bit stronger possibility than MIGHT or COULD. MAY and COULD have several meanings; MIGHT has only one meaning – possibility. (Te verb MIGHT can be used in making a polite request in the same way as MAY, but MIGHT is rarely used in this meaning.) Tis is, honestly, all you have to know about those. You kind of have to trust yourself on this one and see what sounds right in what context. In terms of our Future Tenses, we do use “possibility” for future predictions most of the time anyway.