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3. Temporary actions and situations

• I have been dieting for two months.

• I have been working as a teacher for the past week.

So, these are all of them. Tenses are not that hard…you just have to know exactly what each one does and that’s it! Tere is no fucking magic or anything like that, it is pretty simple. English language is pretty stupid afer all lol

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this lesson! It was pretty short, but sweet. Now you’re ready to move on, but before you do – go back and revisit the past tenses! How else are you gonna be telling your English speaking friends funny stories?



Part One: Present Tenses

Okay, now that we know how to talk about the past, it’s time to learn the present. You know what they say, “Your past doesn’t defne you.” You have to be able to speak for the present. In this chapter, I’m gonna teach you how to address the present in all the diferent ways. Let’s do it! Present tense in English is used to describe or express actions that occur in the present. Tere are four diferent kinds of present tenses:

1. Present Simple

2. Present Perfect

3. Present Continuous

4. Present Perfect Continuous

Let’s break them down one by one:


Basic Form:

Subject + Verb (present form)


Matthew lives in San Diego.

You are incredible.

Te event starts at 11:30.

Tis tense we’re talking about right here is the most basic tense in English language. However, it is interesting and tricky because it can be also used to express the future, but we’ll get into that whole thing later on.

Us e d for :

1. Facts, generalizations and universal truths

We use this one to talk about universal facts, like laws of nature and stuf, and certain or general things that we believe are, or not, true.

• It is a nice car. (Fact)

• Dogs are better than cats. (Generalization)

• Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. (Universal Truth)

2. Habits and routines

Tis one is used for things that happen frequently: Habits, Routines and tendencies. • I leave for school at 8AM every morning. (Routine)

• Connor always eats a cookie afer dinner. (Habit; Routine)

• Mark always asks stupid questions. (Tendency)

Also, this tense is commonly used with the frequency adverbs, such as always, ofen, usually, rarely, every week, sometimes, etc.

3. Permanent situations

Tat’s pretty easy. Permanent situations are situations in life that last a relatively long time. • I live in Los Angeles.

• He works as a waiter.

• Nicole drives a Kia.

4. Events that are 100% certain to happen

When you are 100% sure that a certain event is going to happen. Like, there’s no way it’s not. • Winter starts on December 1.

• I turn 21 this November.

• I get paid on Tursday.

5. Arrangements that we can’t change (schedules, etc.)

Similar to the previous one, we use Present Simple to talk about things that we can’t change. It could be ofcial schedules or a plane departure.

• My fight leaves at 1:30PM.

• Te meeting starts at 10AM.

• When does the train leave?