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• I had fnished reading before I went outside.

•Venya had never been to America before he went there in 2013.

2. Tird Conditional and Hypothetical Past (Tings that never happened) Tird Conditional:

• If we had taken my car, we wouldn’t have embarrassed ourselves. • If Nicole had lived alone, she would have been happier. Hypothetical Past:

• I wish I had been pickier with my roommates. (but I wasn’t)

• If only I had known they would be this crazy. (but I didn’t)


Basic Form:

Subject + HAD + BEEN + Verb (continuous form +ing)


I had been making videos for 3 years before I started a Youtube Channel. He told me that he had been working as a teacher for almost 20 years. Us e d for :

1. Duration of a past action up to a certain point in the past

Te main use of the Past Perfect Continuous is to express actions that were in progress before some other actions.

• Nicole had been living with a shitty roommate for a year before she moved in with these ones. •He had been dating Mary for 2 years before they got married.

2. Showing Cause

Use this tense to show cause of an action or situation in the past: • Te road was wet because it had been raining.

• I had to go to the gym because I had been doing nothing all day.

3. Tird Conditional

You can use this one in third conditional sentences as well:

• If I hadn’t been skipping classes, I would have had a better grade. • If she hadn’t been dieting, she would have gone to the party with me.


Basic Form:

Subject + HAS/HAVE + Verb (past form +ed or V3)


I have worked in this feld for over 5 years.

She has gone away.

Us e d for :

1. Actions which happened at an unknown time before now

Use the Present Perfect to talk about stuf that happened at some point in the past. NEVER use it with time expressions like yesterday, last summer, a week ago, etc.

• She has been to Russia.

• Matthew has already done laundry.

2. Actions in the past which have an efect on the present moment • She has fnished her homework. (so she is just chillin’) • I have already eaten. (so I’m not hungry right now)

3. Actions which began in the past and continue in the present Since and For are commonly used with the Present Perfect. We use For to indicate a period of time and when talking about a starting point, we use Since:

• I have lived here for 3 years.

• I have lived here since 2013.


Basic Form:

Subject + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + Verb (continuous form +ing) Examples:

I have been making videos for 5 years.

What have you been up to?

Us e d for :

1. Actions that started in the past and continue in the present

• I have been writing this lesson for 5 hours. (I’m still writing it) • Nick has been working out with me since January. (He still works out with me)

2. Actions that have recently stopped

• I have been waiting for you for an hour! (I’m not waiting anymore because you’re here now) • Look at her eyes! I’m sure she has been crying. (She is not crying anymore, but you can tell she was)