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• Venya is fying back to Russia in July.

• I’m not doing anything tonight.

5. Tendencies and trends

Nothing else to explain here. Use this tense for expressing tendencies or trends. • Te Internet is becoming really powerful.

• Our country is getting richer.

• Russian Ruble’s value is increasing again.

6. Irritation

Tere is plenty of annoying people everywhere. Use this tense to express irritation or anger over somebody or something in the present with adverbs such as: always, continually or constantly. • Mark is always asking stupid questions!

• Sammy is constantly saying stupid shit to everyone!

• She is continually complaining about everything!


Basic Form:

Subject + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + Verb (continuous form +ing) Examples:

I have been making videos for 5 years.

What have you been up to?

Us e d for :

1. Actions that started in the past and continue in the present

• I have been writing this lesson for 5 hours. (I’m still writing it) • Nick has been working out with me since January. (He still works out with me)

2. Actions that have recently stopped

• I have been waiting for you for an hour! (I’m not waiting anymore because you’re here now) • Look at her eyes! I’m sure she has been crying. (She is not crying anymore, but you can tell she


3.Temporary actions and situations

• I have been dieting for two months.

• I have been working as a teacher for the past week.

Alright, my friend. Present tenses may seem a little complicated at frst, but it’s whatever. Let’s now fgure out how to talk about your future! If you’re just as ambitious as I am, then you’re gonna need to know how to operate those. Let’s get it!

Part Two: Future Tenses

Future tense in English is used to talk about future actions, plans, ambitions and all that good stuf. You can use words that imply future action or you can also employ an auxiliary construction combined with the main verb which represents the true action of the sentence. (Te most common auxiliary verbs used to express futurity are “will”, “can”, “should”, “may”, and “must”.

So, here’s a list of future tenses:

1. Simple Future

2. Future Perfect

3. Future Continuous

4. Future Perfect Continuous

5. May, Might and Could

6. Going to

7. Present Simple

8. Present Continuous


Basic Form:

[Will] + Verb


I will help you later.

Sammy will regret his actions.

You can use them to:

1. Express a voluntary action or make a promise

Something you decide to do voluntarily, or when you ofer someone to do something. • I will make you dinner.

• I will send you all photos later tonight.

• I will make sure she gets home safely.

2. Express a prediction

You can use “will” to express the idea of a general prediction about the future. • Kanye West will be the next President.

• Te year 2020 will be a very interesting year.

• He will learn from this mistake.


Basic Form:

[Will Have] + Verb(Past Participle)
