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Мария Генриховна Визи


Mary Vezey, "Chinese Poetry during the T'ang Dynasty," Manuscript, Pomona College, v. 2, no. 3, May 1925, p. 14–17; Mary Vezey, "Chinese Serenade." Ibid., v. 3, no. I, November 1925, p. 11 (poem 69 in this collection); Mary Vezey, "Fortune Teller," Ibid., v. 3, no. 3, March 1926, p. 19 (poem 72); Mary Vezey, "To R," Ibid, v. 3, no 3, March 1926, p. 27 (poem 60); "Editor Koempel Says Book Will Appear March 15," Student Life, no. 54, 17 February 1926, p. I.


"Molodaia Churaevka," No. 1 (7 July l932)-No. 6 (6 August 1932), a weekly supplement to Harbin Daily News.


Ju.V. Kruzenshtern-Peterets, "Churaevskii pitomnik (O dal'nevostochnykh poetakh)" (Cluiraevka Nursery (On the Far-Eastern Poets)), Vozrozhdenie (Resurrection), Paris, no. 204, December 1968, p. 54–55


Akhmatova's lines are from the poem "Skazal, chto u menia sopernits net" (He said that I have no competitors). Anno Domini, Petrograd, 1921, and Berlin, 1923, later translated by Mary Vezey into English (poem 578).


A. Nesmelov, "Interesnaia kniga. "Stikhotvoreniia." M. Vizi" (An Interesting Book. "Poem s.") M. Vezeyl, Rupor (Mouthpiece), Harbin, 15 August 1929.


A. Nesmelov, "Cherez okean" (Across the Ocean), Ponedel'nik (Monday), Shanghai, no. 2. 1931.


V. Loginov, "Knizhnye novinki. M. Vizi. "Stikhotvoreniia" (New Books. M. Vezey, "Poems"), Rubezh (Border), undated cutting, Harbin, 1930. 1.1. Levitan (1860–1900) was a Russian landscape painter, famous for his pensive, poetic paintings.


"College Graduate Writes Book of Poems in Russian," Claremont Courier, 20 March 1930.


Letter from L. Kel'berin to M. Vezey, 6 August 1930. For a translation of a poem by Kel'berin see poem 611.


Letter from V. Smolenskii to M. Vezey, 23 December 1930. For translations of Smolenskii's poetry see poems 636–648.


A. Raevskaia, "Fiesta" (Fiesta), Rubezh, no. 42, 14 October 1933; A. Raevskaia, "Parusa korablei" (Sails of Boats), Prozhektor (Searchlight), Shanghai, no. 48, 25 November 1933; A. Raevskaia, "Pari" (A Bet), Prozhektor, no. 3, 13 January 1934.


Letters from M. Vezey to O. Bakich, 28 August 1989 and 7 March 1991.


N. Reznikova, "Knizhnye novinki. M. Vizi. Stikhotvoreniia" (New Books. M. Vezey. Poems), Rubezh, no. 27, 27 June 1937.


"Bibliografiia. M. Vizi. Stikhotvoreniia, t. II (Bibliography. M. Vezey. Poems, v. II), Emigrantskaia mysl' (Emigre Thought), Shanghai, No. 3, 1936; "M. Vizi, Stikhotvoreniia II" (M. Vezey. Poems II), Novyi put' (New Road), Shanghai, 24 May 1936.


I.F., "Emigrantskie pisateli na Dal'nem Vostoke" (emigre Writers in the Far Hast), Russkie zapiski (Russian Notes), Shanghai-Paris, no. 1, 1937, p. 324–323.


Letter from M. Vezey to Wesleyan University Press, undated, ca. end of 1960s.


Ju. Kruzenshtern-Peterets, "Tret'ia kniga Marii Vizi" (Third Book by Mary Vezey J, Novoe russkoe sloiw (New Russian Word), New York, 23 September 1973.