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Jack London

The man cursed and flung the empty gun from him. He groaned aloud as he started to drag himself to his feet. It was a slow and arduous task. His joints were like rusty hinges. They worked harshly in their sockets, with much friction, and each bending or unbending was accomplished only through a sheer exertion of will. When he finally gained his feet, another minute or so was consumed in straightening up, so that he could stand erect as a man should stand.

He crawled up a small knoll and surveyed the prospect (он заполз на небольшой холмик и осмотрел панораму; to survey — осматривать, обозревать). There were no trees, no bushes (не было ни деревьев, ни кустарников), nothing but a gray sea of moss scarcely diversified by gray rocks, gray lakelets, and gray streamlets (ничего, кроме серого моря мха, в которое почти не вносили разнообразия серые скалы, серые озерца и серые ручейки; scarcely — едва, почти не; to diversify — разнообразить, вносить разнообразие; diverse — иной, отличный от чего-либо, различный; разнообразный). The sky was gray (небо было серым). There was no sun nor hint of sun (не было ни солнца, ни намека на солнце). He had no idea of north (он не имел представления о севере = где север), and he had forgotten the way he had come to this spot the night before (и он забыл путь, которым пришел в это место прошлым вечером). But he was not lost (но он не заблудился: «не был потерян»). He knew that (он знал это). Soon he would come to the land of the little sticks (скоро он придет в край «прутиков»). He felt that it lay off to the left somewhere (он чувствовал, что тот расположен где-то в стороне левее), not far (недалеко) — possibly just over the next low hill (возможно, как раз за следующим низким холмом).

He crawled up a small knoll and surveyed the prospect. There were no trees, no bushes, nothing but a gray sea of moss scarcely diversified by gray rocks, gray lakelets, and gray streamlets. The sky was gray. There was no sun nor hint of sun. He had no idea of north, and he had forgotten the way he had come to this spot the night before. But he was not lost. He knew that. Soon he would come to the land of the little sticks. He felt that it lay off to the left somewhere, not far — possibly just over the next low hill.