Читать «Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Старик и море» онлайн - страница 11

Илья Франк

"That's easy (это просто). I can always borrow two dollars and a half (я всегда могу занять два с половиной доллара)."

"I think perhaps I can too (думаю, возможно, я тоже). But I try not to borrow (но я стараюсь не занимать). First you borrow (сначала ты занимаешь). Then you beg (затем — умоляешь = просишь милостыню)."

"Keep warm old man (сохраняй тепло = не простудись, старик)," the boy said. "Remember we are in September (помни, мы в сентябре = на дворе сентябрь)."

"The month when the great fish come (месяц, когда приходит крупная рыба)," the old man said. "Anyone can be a fisherman in May (любой может быть рыбаком в мае)."

"I go now for the sardines (я пошел за сардинами)," the boy said.

terminal ['tq:mInql], record ['rekLd], perhaps [pq'hxps]

"Do you think we should buy a terminal of the lottery with an eighty-five? Tomorrow is the eighty-fifth day."

"We can do that," the boy said. "But what about the eighty-seven of your great record?"

"It could not happen twice. Do you think you can find an eighty-five?"

"I can order one.”

"One sheet. That's two dollars and a half. Who can we borrow that from?"

"That's easy. I can always borrow two dollars and a half."

"I think perhaps I can too. But I try not to borrow. First you borrow. Then you beg."

"Keep warm old man," the boy said. "Remember we are in September."

"The month when the great fish come," the old man said. "Anyone can be a fisherman in May."

"I go now for the sardines," the boy said.

When the boy came back the old man was asleep in the chair (когда мальчик вернулся, старик спал на стуле) and the sun was down (а солнце зашло). The boy took the old army blanket off the bed (мальчик снял старое солдатское одеяло с кровати) and spread it over the back of the chair and over the old man's shoulders (и укрыл им спинку стула и плечи старика; to spread — расстилать; покрывать). They were strange shoulders (это были странные плечи), still powerful although very old (все еще крепкие/могучие, хотя очень старые), and the neck was still strong too (и шея была тоже все еще сильная) and the creases did not show so much when the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward (и морщины не были сильно видны, когда старик спал, уронив голову на грудь: «его голова упала вперед»; to fall). His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail (его рубашка была залатана так много раз, что походила на парус) and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun (и заплаты выцвели до разных оттенков под солнцем; to fade — выгорать, выцветать, блекнуть). The old man's head was very old though (однако, лицо: «голова» старика было очень старым) and with his eyes closed there was no life in his face (и с закрытыми глазами/когда его глаза были закрыты, не было жизни в его лице = оно казалось неживым). The newspaper lay across his knees (газета лежала на его коленях; across — поперек) and the weight of his arm held it there in the evening breeze (и вес его руки удерживал ее на вечернем ветерке). He was barefooted (он был босиком = ноги были босы).