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Илья Михайлович Франк

I had written as far as this when Piglet looked up and said in his squeaky voice, “What about Me?” “My dear Piglet,” I said, “the whole book is about you.” “So it is about Pooh,” he squeaked. You see what it is. He is jealous because he thinks Pooh is having a Grand Introduction all to himself. Pooh is the favourite, of course, there's no denying it, but Piglet comes in for a good many things which Pooh misses; because you can't take Pooh to school without everybody knowing it, but Piglet is so small that he slips into a pocket, where it is very comforting to feel him when you are not quite sure whether twice seven is twelve or twenty-two. Sometimes he slips out and has a good look in the ink-pot, and in this way he has got more education than Pooh, but Pooh doesn't mind. Some have brains, and some haven't, he says, and there it is.

And now all the others are saying, “What about Us?” So perhaps the best thing to do is to stop writing Introductions and get on with the book.

A. A. M.


Часть 1

Chapter 1,


Глава 1,

в которой мы знакомимся с Винни-Пухом и некоторыми пчелами, и начинаются истории

HERE is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now (ВОТ Эдвард Медведь, идущий вниз по лестнице сейчас = который сейчас спускается по лестнице; to come / go downstairs — спускаться по лестнице), bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin (бум, бум, бум — своим затылком /по ступенькам/ за Кристофером Робином; back of the head — затылок). It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs (это, насколько он знает = ему известно, — единственный способ спуска/ться/ по лестнице; as far as — насколько, поскольку), but sometimes he feels that there really is another way (но иногда он чувствует, что /там/ в действительности есть другой способ; there is — есть, имеется, существует), if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it (если бы только он мог остановить бумканье / перестать бумкать на секунду и придумать его / додуматься до него / подумать о нем; to think of — придумать, подумать о, додуматься до).

sometimes [ˈsʌmtaɪmz], know [], could [kʊd]

HERE is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.

And then he feels that perhaps there isn't (и тогда он чувствует, что, возможно, нет /такого способа/). Anyhow, here he is at the bottom, and ready to be introduced to you (так или иначе, вот он внизу, и готов познакомиться с вами; bottom — низ, нижняя часть). Winnie-the-Pooh (Винни-Пух).

perhaps [], there [ðeə], ready [ˈrɛdi]

And then he feels that perhaps there isn't. Anyhow, here he is at the bottom, and ready to be introduced to you. Winnie-the-Pooh.