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Илья Михайлович Франк

“Is anybody at home (есть кто-нибудь дома)?”

There was a sudden scuffling noise from inside the hole, and then silence (раздался неожиданный шаркающий шум изнутри норы, а потом тишина; to scuffle).

“What I said was (то, что я сказал, было = я сказал), 'Is anybody at home (есть кто-нибудь дома)?'” called out Pooh very loudly (выкрикнул Пух очень громко).

“No!” said a voice; and then added (нет! — сказал голос, а потом добавил), “You needn't shout so loud (/тебе/ не нужно кричать так громко; needn’t — не нужно — отсутствие необходимости). I heard you quite well the first time (я слышал тебя вполне хорошо /и/ в первый раз).”

“Bother (беспокойство = елы-палы; bother — выражения раздражения: ах-ты, тьфу-ты, эх)!” said Pooh (сказал Пух). “Isn't there anybody here at all (здесь нет совсем никого)?”

“Nobody (никого).”

head [], heard [], here []

So he bent down, put his head into the hole, and called out:

“Is anybody at home?”

There was a sudden scuffling noise from inside the hole, and then silence.

“What I said was, 'Is anybody at home?'” called out Pooh very loudly.

“No!” said a voice; and then added, “You needn't shout so loud. I heard you quite well the first time.”

“Bother!” said Pooh. “Isn't there anybody here at all?”


Winnie-the-Pooh took his head out of the hole (Винни-Пух высунул /свою/ голову из норы), and thought for a little, and he thought to himself (и подумал немного, и он подумал про себя), “There must be somebody there (там должен кто-то быть), because somebody must have said ‘Nobody (потому что кто-то должен был сказать: никого). '” So he put his head back in the hole, and said (поэтому он засунул /свою/ голову снова в нору и сказал): “Hallo, Rabbit, isn't that you (эй, Кролик, это разве не ты)?”

“No,” said Rabbit, in a different sort of voice this time (нет, — сказал Кролик, на этот раз другим голосом: «другим сортом голоса»).

“But isn't that Rabbit's voice (но разве это не голос Кролика)?”

“I don't think so,” said Rabbit (/я/ не думаю /так/, — сказал Кролик). “It isn't meant to be (он не предполагается = не должен быть /похож/; to mean — предназначать, подразумевать).”

“Oh!” said Pooh (о! — сказал Пух).

somebody [], nobody [], meant []

Winnie-the-Pooh took his head out of the hole, and thought for a little, and he thought to himself, “There must be somebody there, because somebody must have said 'Nobody. '” So he put his head back in the hole, and said: “Hallo, Rabbit, isn't that you?”

“No,” said Rabbit, in a different sort of voice this time.

“But isn't that Rabbit's voice?”

“I don't think so,” said Rabbit. “It isn't meant to be.”

“Oh!” said Pooh.

He took his head out of the hole (он высунул /свою/ голову из норы), and had another think (и еще подумал), and then he put it back, and said (а потом он засунул ее назад и сказал):

“Well, could you very kindly tell me where Rabbit is (ну, /тогда/ не могли бы вы очень любезно = не были бы вы так любезны, чтобы сказать мне, где Кролик)?”