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Proclus. 1903-1906. In Platonis Timaeum [in Ancient Greek and Latin]. Ed. by H. Diels. 3 vols. Leipzig: Teubner.

. 1963. The Elements of Theology: A Revised Text with Translation, Introduction,

and Commentary [in Ancient Greek and English]. Ed. and trans. from the Ancient Greek by E. R. Dodds. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Pseudo-Plato. 1907. Definitones [in Ancient Greek and English]. In vol. 5 of Platonis opera, by Plato, ed. by J. Burnet. 5 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Ptolemaeus. 1898. Almagest [in Latin]. In vol. 1 of Claudii Ptolemaei opera quae exstant omnia, ed. by J.L. Heiberg. 2 vols. Leipzig: Teubner.

Sallustius. 1931. “Bellum Catilinae” [in Latin and English]. In Sallust, ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. C. Rolfe. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

Seneca. 1928. De providentia [in Latin and English]. In De Beneficiis, vol. 3 of Moral Essays, ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. Basore. 3 vols. Loeb Classical Library 310. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

. 1932a. De consolatione ad Marciam [in Latin and English]. In De Consolatione ad Marciam.. De Vita Beata. De Otio. De Tranquillitate Animi. De Brevitate Vitae. De Consolatione ad Polybium. De Consolatione ad Helviam, vol. 2 of Moral Essays, ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. Basore. 3 vols. Loeb Classical Library 254. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

. 1932b. De tranquillitate animi [in Latin and English]. In De Consolatione ad Marciam. De Vita Beata. De Otio. De Tranquillitate Animi. De Brevitate Vitae. De Consolatione ad Polybium. De Consolatione ad Helviam, vol. 2 of Moral Essays, ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. Basore. 3 vols. Loeb Classical Library 254. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

. 1932c. De vita beata [in Latin and English]. In De Consolatione ad Marciam. De Vita Beata. De Otio. De Tranquillitate Animi. De Brevitate Vitae. De Consolatione ad Polybium. De Consolatione ad Helviam, vol. 2 of Moral Essays, ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. Basore. 3 vols. Loeb Classical Library 254. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

. 1935a. De beneficiis [in Latin and English]. In De Beneficiis, vol. 3 of Moral Essays,

ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. Basore. 3 vols. Loeb Classical Library 310. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

. 1935b. De constantia [in Latin and English]. In De Beneficiis, vol. 3 of Moral

Essays, ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. Basore. 3 vols. Loeb Classical Library 310. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

. 1971-. 1972. Naturales quaestiones [in Latin and English]. Ed. by T. Corcoran.

   2 vols. Loeb Classical Library 450. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.

. 2018a. Hercules furens [in Latin and English]. In Oedipus. Agamemnon. Thyestes.