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Бен Линч

4. Анкета № 1: каким генам необходима «чистка»?

5. MTHFR, или мастер метилирования

36. MTHFR SNP’s can lead to a decreased risk of colon cancer: Xie, SZ. et al. “Association between the MTHFR C677T polymorphism and risk of cancer: evidence from 446 case-control studies,” Tumour Biology, 17 June 2015, .

37. If MTHFR is born dirty, it can have up to one hundred SNPS or even more: “MTHFR[all],” National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Accessed April 2017, .

38. Supports of healthy methylation: Wilcken, W. et al. “Geographical and ethnic variation of the 677C>T allele of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR): findings from over 7000 newborns from 16 areas world wide,” Journal of Medical Genetics, 2003, .

39. Health Conditions Related to SNPs in Your MTHFR: “Genopedia: MTHFR,” Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed April 2017, .

40. Cobalamin/B12 found in food: “Vitamin B12,” Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center, Accessed April 2017, .

6. COMT. Внимательность и жизнерадостность, или спокойствие и отрешенность COMT

41. Catechols found in quercetin: “COMT Gene,” Genetic Home Reference, 11 April, 2017, .

42. Dopamine quinone is associated with Parkinson’s disease and ADHD medications: Miyazak, Ikuko, Asanuma, Masato. “Approaches to Prevent Dopamine Quinone-Induced Neurotoxicity,” Neurochemical Research, 04 September 2008, .

43. Toxicity of Methylphenidate: Sadasivan, Shankar et al. “Methylphenidate Exposure Induces Dopamine Neuron Loss and Activation of Microglia in the Basal Ganglia of Mice,” PLOS One, 21 March 2012, .

44. Toxicity of Methylphenidate: Espay, AJ. et al. “Methylphenidate for gait impairment in Parkinson disease,” American Academy of Neurology, 5 April 2011, .

45. Adderall can generate dopamine-quinone: German, Christopher L., Hanson, Glen R., Fleckenstein, Annette E., “Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Reduce Striatal Dopamine Transporter Function Without Concurrent Dopamine Transporter Relocalization,” Journal of Neurochemistry, 23 August 2012, .

46. Two common reasons for magnesium deficiency: Janett, S. et al. “Hypomagnesemia Induced by Long-Term Treatment with Proton-Pump Inhibitors,” Gastroentology Research & Practice, 4 May 2015, .