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Артемий Юрьевич Романов
Drury, J. Adolescent communication with adults in authority.
Dunn, J., Bretherton, L., Munn, P. Conversations about feeling states between mothers and their young children.
Duval, L. L., Ruscher, J. B., Welsh, K., & Catanese, S. P. Bolstering and undercutting use of the elderly stereotype through communication of exemplars: The role of speaker age and exemplar stereotypicality.
Egan, G
Fiehler, R. Language and age: how does language change when we become older?
Fisher, C., Miller-Day, M. The mother-adult daughter relationship. In K. Floyd &
Fisher, L. R. Between mothers and daughters.
Fox, S., Giles, H. Accommodating intergenerational contact: A critique and theoretical model.
Gallois, C., Giles, H., Ota, H., Pierson, H, Ng, H., Lim, T., Maher, J., Somera, L., Ryan, E., Harwood, J. Intergenerational communication across the Pacific Rim: The impact of filial piety. In J. C. Lasry, J. D. Adair,& K. Dion (Eds.).
Giles, H., Coupland, N.
Giles, H., Liang, B., Noels, K., McCann, R. Communicating across and within generations: Taiwanese, Chinese-American, and Euro-American perceptions of communication.
Gold, D., Andres, D., Arbuckle, T., Schwartzman, A. Measurement and correlates of verbosity in elderly people.
Golish, T. Changes in closeness between adult children and their parents: A turning point analysis.
Gottlieb, A.
Gudleski, G, Shean, G Depressed and nondepressed students: differences in interpersonal perceptions.
Gudykunst, W., Matsumoto, Y. Cross-cultural variability of communication in personal relationships. In W. B. Gudykust, S. Ting-Toomey, & T. Nishida (Eds.),