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Артемий Юрьевич Романов
Jones, K., Kramer, T., Armitage, T., Williams, K. The impact of father absence on adolescent separation-individuation.
Jones, S., Nissenson, M.
Jordan, J. The relational self: A model of women’s development. In J. Van Mens Verhulst, J. Schreurs, L. Woertman (
Juby, H., Farrington, D. Distinguishing the link between disrupted families and delinquency.
Karasik, R., Maddox, M., Wallingford, M. Intergenerational service-learning across levels and disciplines: One size (does not) fit all.
Karasik, R., Wallingford, M., Finding community: Developing and maintaining effective intergenerational service-learning partnerships.
Kemper, S.
Kennedy, G E. Quality in grandparent/grandchild relationships.
Kim, U. Individualism and collectivism. Conceptual clarification and elaboration. In U. Kim, H. Triandis, C. Kagitcibais, S.-C. Choi, G Yoon (Eds.),
King, V., The legacy of grandparent’s divorce: Consequences for ties between grandparents and grandchildren.
Kite, M., Johnson, B. Attitudes toward older and younger adults: A meta-analysis.
Klinger, Е., Bierbraver, G. Acculturation and conflict regulation of Turkish immigrants in Germany: a social influence perspective. In W. Wosinska, R. Cialdini, D. Barret, J. Reykowski (Eds.).
Kraus, S. On adult daughters and their mothers: A peripatetic consideration of developmental tasks.
Kreider, R., Simmons, T. Marital status: 2000. Washington, DC: Bureau of the Census, 2003.
Langellier, K. Performing family stories, forming cultural identity: Franco American Memere stories.
La Tourette, T., Meeks, S. Perceptions of patronizing speech by older women in nursing homes and in the community.
Laursen, B. Conflict and Social Interaction in Adolescent Relationships.
Lawton, L., Silverstein, M., Bengston, V. Solidarity between generations in families. In V. L. Bengston & R. A. Harootyan (Eds.),