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Артемий Юрьевич Романов
Haas, A., Sherman, M. Reported topics of conversation among same-sex adults.
Hajek, C., Giles, H. The old man out: an intergroup analysis of intergenerational communication among gay men.
Harwood, J., Giles, H., Ryan, B. Aging, communication, and in group theory: Social identity and intergenerational communication. In J. Nussbaum and J. Coupland (Eds.),
Harwood, J. Communication media use in the grand-parent-grandchild relationship.
Harwood, J. Comparing grandchildren’s and grandparent’s stake in their relationship.
Harwood, J. Hewstone, M., Paolini, S., Voci, A. Grandparent-grandchild contact and attitudes toward older adults: Moderator and mediator effects.
Hepburn, A. Teachers and secondary school bullying: A postmodern discourse analysis.
Hess, J. Maintaining non-voluntary relationships with disliked partners: an investigation into the use of distancing behaviors.
Hetzel, L., Smith, A.
Ho, D. Filial piety, authoritarian moralism, and cognitive conservatism in Chinese societies.
Hofstede, G
Holladay, S. «Have fun while you can,» «You’re only as old as you feel,» and «Don’t ever get old!»: an examination of memorable messages about aging.
Hummert, M., Shaner, J. Patronizing speech to the elderly as a function of stereotyping.
Hummert, М., Shaner, J., Garstka, T., Henry, C. Communication with older adults: The influence of age stereotypes, context, and communicator age.
Hummert, M., Mazloff, D. Older adult’s responses to patronizing advice: balancing politeness and identity in context perceptions of patronizing speech.
Ikels, C., Keith, J., Dickerson-Putnam, J., Draper, P., Fry, C., Glascock, A., Harpendink, H. Perceptions of an adult life course. A cross cultural analysis.
Ingersoll-Dayton, B., Starrels, M., Dowler, D. Care-giving for parents and parents-in-law: Is gender important?