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Артемий Юрьевич Романов
Beatty, L. Effects of paternal absence on male adolescents peer relations and self-image.
Beaumont, S., Vasconcelos, V., Ruggeri, M. Similarities and differences in mother-daughter and mother-son conversations during preadolescence and adolescence.
Bengston, V., Marti, G., Roberts, H. Age-group relationships: Generational equity and inequity. InK. Pillemer & K. McCartney
Bettini, L., Norton, M. The pragmatics of intergenerational friendships.
Block C. College students perceptions of social support from grandmothers and step grandmothers.
Boden, D., Bielby, D. The past as resource: A conversational analysis of elderly talk.
Bonnesen, J., Hummert, M. Painful self-disclosures of older adults in relation to aging stereotypes and perceived motivations.
Bryant, C., Conger, R., Meehan, J. The influence of in-laws on the change in marital success.
Cai, D., Giles, H., Noels, K.. Elderly perceptions of communication with older and younger adults in China: Implications for mental health.
Catan, L., Dennison, C., Coleman, J.
Caughlin, J., Afifi, T. When is topic avoidance unsatisfying? Examining moderators of the association between avoidance and dissatisfaction.
Caughlin, J., Golish, T. An analysis of association between topic avoidance and dissatisfaction: comparing perceptual and interpersonal explanations.
Chen, Y., King, B. Intra- and intergenerational communication satisfaction as a function of an individual’s age and age stereotypes.
Chow, N. W. Diminishing filial piety and the changing role and status of the elders in Hong Kong.