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Шарлотта Бронте


Calvinistic doctrines  – a series of theological beliefs first promoted by John Calvin (1509–1564), known for extremely stern attitude to “sinful and depraved” humanity


The air was mild, the dew was balm  – the phrases are quotations from “The Lay of the Last Minstrel” by Sir Walter Scott


lusus naturæ   a freak of nature ( Latin )



Cui bono? what/who for? ( Latin )


that caps the globe  – nobody has ever seen such a thing!


Demas  – a companion of apostle Paul, who left him for the love of this world that is opposed to the love of God and His rule.


Looked to river, looked to hill  – a quotation from “The Lay of the Last Minstrel” by Sir Walter Scott


Dives  – a rich man ( Latin )


Jeune encore still young


Apollyon   Biblical name for Satan


flags  – flagstones, slabs that pave the path


penetralium  – penetralia ( Latin ), inner part of the house or a sacred one.


pre-eminently  – with some superiority


The herd of possessed swine could have had no worse spirits in them  – this is an allusion to the Bible: when demons were made to leave the human body, they got into swine.


N.B.  – nota bene ( Latin ): pay attention to


Here and after Joseph uses both archaic and dialect (Yorkshire) words. What are ye for? T’ maister’s down i’ t’ fowld. Go round by th’ end o’ t’ laith, if ye went to spake to him.  – What do you want? The master is in the fold (sheep shed). Go down to the end of the barn if you want to speak to him.


There’s nobbut t’ missis; and shoo’ll not oppen ’t an ye mak’ yer flaysome dins till neeght.  – There is nobody but the missis, and she will not open even if you make a terrible noise till the night.


Nor-ne me! I’ll hae no hend wi’t  – No, not me! I will have no hand with it (won’t help)


Aw wonder how yah can faishion to stand thear i’ idleness un war, when all on ’ems goan out! Bud yah’re a nowt, and it’s no use talking – yah’ll niver mend o’yer ill ways, but goa raight to t’ divil, like yer mother afore ye!  – I wonder how you can stay there in idleness and worse, when all of them have gone out! But you are nobody, and it’s no use talking – you will never mend your ill ways (change your wrong habits), but go right to the devil, like your mother before you!


set store on – think it of particular importance


T’ maister nobbut just buried, and Sabbath not o’ered, und t’ sound o’ t’ gospel still i’ yer lugs, and ye darr be laiking! Shame on ye! sit ye down, ill childer! there’s good books eneugh if ye’ll read ’em: sit ye down, and think o’ yer sowls!  – The master is only just buried, and the Sabbath is not over, and the sound of the gospel still in your ears, and you dare to have fun! Shame on you! Sit down, bad children! There are enough good books for you to read, sit down and think of your souls!


Maister, coom hither! Miss Cathy’s riven th’ back off ‘Th’ Helmet o’ Salvation,’ un’ Heathcliff’s pawsed his fit into t’ first part o’ ‘T’ Brooad Way to Destruction!’ It’s fair flaysome that ye let ’em go on this gait. Ech! th’ owd man wad ha’ laced ’em properly – but he’s goan!  – Master, come here! Miss Cathy has torn the back off “The Helmet of Salvation,” and Heathcliff put his feet into the first part of “The Broad Way to Destruction”! It’s frightening that you let them go on this way. Oh! The old man would have laced (whipped) them properly, but he is gone!