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Роберт Льюис Стивенсон

racer [`reIsq] trouble [trAbl] barrelled [`bxrqld] forbear [fL`beq]

THERE never was such an overturn in this world. Each of these six men was as though he had been struck. But with Silver the blow passed almost instantly. Every thought of his soul had been set full-stretch, like a racer, on that money; well, he was brought up in a single second, dead; and he kept his head, found his temper, and changed his plan before the others had had time to realise the disappointment.

'Jim, he whispered, 'take that, and stand by for trouble.

And he passed me a double-barrelled pistol.

At the same time he began quietly moving northward, and in a few steps had put the hollow between us two and the other five. Then he looked at me and nodded, as much as to say, 'Here is a narrow corner, as, indeed, I thought it was. His looks were now quite friendly; and I was so revolted at these constant changes, that I could not forbear whispering, 'So you've changed sides again.

1. There was no time left for him to answer in (ему не дали времени ответить: «не было времени оставлено для него, чтобы ответить»). The buccaneers, with oaths and cries, began to leap, one after another, into the pit (пираты, ругаясь и крича, начали прыгать один за другим в яму), and to dig with their fingers, throwing the boards aside as they did so (и копать пальцами = руками, разбрасывая доски в разные стороны при этом). Morgan found a piece of gold (Морган нашел золотую монету). He held it up with a perfect spout of oaths (он показал ее, /изрыгая/ мощный поток брани; to hold up — выставлять, показывать, поддерживать; spout — столб воды, поток, фонтан). It was a two-guinea piece (это была монета в две гинеи), and it went from hand to hand among them for a quarter of a minute (и она переходила из рук в руки среди них некоторое время: «четверть минуты»).

2. 'Two guineas (две гинеи)! roared Merry, shaking it at Silver (заревел Морган, тряся ей перед Сильвером; to shake — трясти/сь/, дрожать, потрясать). 'That's your seven hundred thousand pounds, is it (это и есть твои семьсот тысяч фунтов)? You're the man for bargains, aint you (ты любитель сделок, да)? You're him that never bungled nothing, you wooden-headed lubber (ты тот, кто никогда ничего не портил = по-твоему, тебе всегда все удается, тупой: «деревянноголовый» ты увалень)!

3. 'Dig away, boys (копайте, ребята), said Silver, with the coolest insolence (сказал Сильвер с холоднейшей надменностью); 'you'll find some pig-nuts and I shouldn't wonder (вы найдете пару земляных каштанов, не сомневаюсь; to wonder — желать знать; удивляться).