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Роберт Льюис Стивенсон

At last in strode the captain (наконец, вошел капитан), slammed the door behind him (захлопнул дверь за собой), without looking to the right or left (не глядя направо или налево = по сторонам), and marched straight across the room (и прошагал через комнату) to where his breakfast awaited him (/к столу/, где завтрак ожидал его).

corner [`kLnq] uneasy [An`JzI] loosened [`lHsnd] sheath [SJT] throat [Trqut]

So saying, the stranger backed along with me into the parlour, and put me behind him in the corner, so that we were both hidden by the open door. I was very uneasy and alarmed, as you may fancy, and it rather added to my fears to observe that the stranger was certainly frightened himself. He cleared the hilt of his cutlass and loosened the blade in the sheath; and all the time we were waiting there he kept swallowing as if he felt what we used to call a lump in the throat.

At last in strode the captain, slammed the door behind him, without looking to the right or left, and marched straight across the room to where his breakfast awaited him.

“Bill,” said the stranger, in a voice that I thought he had tried to make bold and big (сказал незнакомец в голосе = /таким/ голосом, что я подумал, он попытался сделать его смелым и важным; bold — смелый, наглый, дерзкий).

The captain spun round on his heel and fronted us (капитан повернулся на каблуках и увидел нас; to spin — вращаться, кружиться; to front — находиться перед, стоять напротив); all the brown had gone out of his face (весь коричневый цвет = загар сошел с его лица; to go out of — гаснуть, заканчиваться), and even his nose was blue (и даже его нос был синим); he had the look of a man who sees a ghost (он имел вид человека, который видит привидение), or the evil one (или дьявола; evil — злой), or something worse (или нечто похуже), if anything can be (если что-нибудь = такое может быть); and, upon my word (и, честное слово: «на моем слове»), I felt sorry to see him, all in a moment, turn so old and sick (мне стало жалко видеть его = как он, весь в один миг, сделался столь старым и больным).

“Come, Bill, you know me (ну же, Билл, ты /же/ знаешь меня); you know an old shipmate, Bill, surely (ты знаешь = узнаешь старого корабельного товарища, Билл, наверняка),” said the stranger.

The captain made a sort of gasp (капитан сделал что-то вроде аханья = открыл рот от изумления; gasp — удушье, затруднение дыхание).

ghost [gqust] shipmate [`SipmeIt] surely [`SuqlI] gasp [gRsp]

“Bill,” said the stranger, in a voice that I thought he had tried to make bold and big.

The captain spun round on his heel and fronted us; all the brown had gone out of his face, and even his nose was blue; he had the look of a man who sees a ghost, or the evil one, or something worse, if anything can be; and, upon my word, I felt sorry to see him, all in a moment, turn so old and sick.