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Илья Франк

sets myself for our plays (я всегда сам проектирую декорации для наших

постановок; to design — замышлять, проектировать, создавать рисунок). Of

course (конечно), I have a man to do the rough work for me (у меня есть

человек, который делает всю грязную: «тяжелую» работу для меня; rough —

грубый, шероховатый), but the ideas are mine (но идеи мои)."

slightly ['slaItlI] hoarse [hO:s] complacent [kqm'pleIs(q)nt] rough [rAf]

She gave him the quick, delightful smile, with a slight lift of her fine eyebrows,

which he must often have seen her give on the stage.

"I'm so glad you like it." Her voice was rather low and ever so slightly hoarse.

You would have thought his observation had taken a weight off her mind.


"We think in the family that Michael has such perfect taste."

Michael gave the room a complacent glance.

"I've had a good deal of experience. I always design the sets myself for our

plays. Of course, I have a man to do the rough work for me, but the ideas are


They had moved into that house two years before (они переехали в этот дом два

года назад; to move — двигаться, переезжать), and he knew (и он знал), and

Julia knew (и Джулия знала), that they had put it into the hands of an expensive

decorator (что они предоставили: «положили» его в руки дорогого

декоратора; to put — класть, ставить) when they were going on tour (когда

они уезжали на гастроли), and he had agreed to have it completely ready for

them (и он согласился полностью закончить /дом/ для них), at cost price (по

себестоимости) in return for the work (в обмен на работу; in return — взамен, в

обмен, в оплату), they promised him in the theatre (которую они предложили:

«обещали» ему в театре) by the time they came back (к тому времени, когда

они вернутся /из турне/). But it was unnecessary (но не было необходимости)

to impart such tedious details (сообщать/передавать такие скучные детали) to a

young man whose name even they did not know (молодому человеку, имя

которого они даже не знали). The house was furnished in extremely good taste

(дом был оставлен /мебелью/ с удивительным /хорошим/ вкусом; to finish —

заканчивать, завершать, отделывать, доводить до совершенства), with a

judicious mixture of the antique and the modern (/представлял собой/

продуманную смесь старинного и современного), and Michael was right (и

Майкл был прав) when he said (когда говорил) that it was quite obviously a

gentleman's house (что это был совершенно определенно дом джентльмена;

obviously — явно, очевидно, безусловно).

expensive [Ik'spensIv] unnecessary [An'nesqs(q)rI] tedious ['ti:dIqs]

judicious [dZu:'dISqs] antique [xn'ti:k]


They had moved into that house two years before, and he knew, and Julia

knew, that they had put it into the hands of an expensive decorator when they

were going on tour, and he had agreed to have it completely ready for them,

at cost price in return for the work they promised him in the theatre, by the

time they came back. But it was unnecessary to impart such tedious details to