Читать «Английский язык с Ф. Баумом. Волшебник Изумрудного Города» онлайн - страница 238

Илья Франк

twinkling ['twINklIN], ripening ['raIp(q)nIN], grain [greIn], paved [peIvd], chubby ['tSAbI]

"Good-bye, and thank you very much," returned the girl; and the Monkeys rose into the air and were out of sight in a twinkling.

The country of the Quadlings seemed rich and happy. There was field upon field of ripening grain, with well-paved roads running between, and pretty rippling brooks with strong bridges across them.

The fences and houses and bridges were all painted bright red, just as they had been painted yellow in the country of the Winkies and blue in the country of the Munchkins. The Quadlings themselves, who were short and fat and looked chubby and good-natured, were dressed all in red, which showed bright against the green grass and the yellowing grain.

The Monkeys had set them down near a farmhouse (Обезьяны опустили их на землю рядом с фермерским домом), and the four travelers walked up to it and knocked at the door (и четверо путешественников подошли к нему и постучали в дверь). It was opened by the farmer's wife (ее открыла жена фермера), and when Dorothy asked for something to eat (и когда Дороти попросила у нее чего-нибудь поесть) the woman gave them all a good dinner (женщина угостила их всех сытным обедом; good — хороший; достаточный, обильный), with three kinds of cake (/который состоял/ из трех видов пирогов) and four kinds of cookies (четырех видов печений), and a bowl of milk for Toto (и кувшина молока для Тото).

"How far is it to the Castle of Glinda (как далеко находится Замок Глинды)?" asked the child.

"It is not a great way (не так далеко: «это не большой = долгий путь»)," answered the farmer's wife. "Take the road to the South and you will soon reach it (идите по дороге, которая ведет на Юг, и вы вскоре доберетесь до него; to take — брать, хватать; выбрать /дорогу, путь/, отправиться /по какой-либо дороге/)."

knock [nOk], cookie ['kukI], child [tSaIld], wife [waIf]

The Monkeys had set them down near a farmhouse, and the four travelers walked up to it and knocked at the door. It was opened by the farmer's wife, and when Dorothy asked for something to eat the woman gave them all a good dinner, with three kinds of cake and four kinds of cookies, and a bowl of milk for Toto.

"How far is it to the Castle of Glinda?" asked the child.

"It is not a great way," answered the farmer's wife.

"Take the road to the South and you will soon reach it."

Thanking the good woman, they started afresh (поблагодарив добрую женщину, они снова отправились в путь; fresh — свежий; afresh — снова, сызнова, опять) and walked by the fields and across the pretty bridges (и зашагали по полям и по прелестным мостикам) until they saw before them a very beautiful Castle (пока они не увидели перед собой очень красивый Замок). Before the gates were three young girls (перед воротами /стояли/ три молодые девушки), dressed in handsome red uniforms trimmed with gold braid (одетые в красивые красные форменные платья, украшенные золотой тесьмой; uniform — форменная одежда, форма; to trim — приводить в порядок; отделывать, украшать); and as Dorothy approached, one of them said to her (и, когда Дороти приблизилась, одна из них сказала ей): "Why have you come to the South Country (зачем ты пришла в Страну Юга)?"