Читать «Английский язык с Ф. Баумом. Волшебник Изумрудного Города» онлайн - страница 236

Илья Франк

Dorothy ran down and helped the Scarecrow to his feet (Дороти сбежала вниз и помогла Страшиле /подняться/ на ноги), and the Lion came up to her (и Лев подошел к ней), feeling rather bruised and sore, and said (чувствуя себя довольно ушибленным и побитым, и сказал; bruise — ушиб, синяк; to bruise — ушибить, поставить синяк; sore — болячка; синяк, кровоподтек; sore — болезненный, чувствительный), "It is useless to fight people with shooting heads (бесполезно сражаться с людьми, которые стреляют головами); no one can withstand them (никто не может противостоять им; to withstand — устоять, выстоять; сопротивляться, оказывать противодействие)."

echo ['ekqu], thunder ['TAndq], cannon ['kxnqn], bruise [bru:z], sore [sO:]

The Lion became quite angry at the laughter caused by the Scarecrow's mishap, and giving a loud roar that echoed like thunder, he dashed up the hill.

Again a head shot swiftly out, and the great Lion went rolling down the hill as if he had been struck by a cannon ball.

Dorothy ran down and helped the Scarecrow to his feet, and the Lion came up to her, feeling rather bruised and sore, and said, "It is useless to fight people with shooting heads; no one can withstand them."

"What can we do, then (что же нам тогда делать: «что же мы можем сделать»)?" she asked.

"Call the Winged Monkeys (позвать Крылатых Обезьян)," suggested the Tin Woodman (предложил Железный Дровосек). "You have still the right to command them once more (у тебя все еще есть право приказать им еще один раз)."

"Very well (очень хорошо)," she answered (ответила она), and putting on the Golden Cap she uttered the magic words (и, надев Золотую Шапку, она произнесла магические слова; to utter — издавать звук; произносить). The Monkeys were as prompt as ever (Обезьяны были также проворны, как всегда), and in a few moments the entire band stood before her (и через несколько мгновений уже вся стая стояла перед ней).

"What are your commands (каковы будут твои приказания)?" inquired the King of the Monkeys, bowing low (спросил Король Обезьян, низко кланяясь).

utter ['Atq], prompt [prOm(p)t], entire [In'taIq]

"What can we do, then?" she asked.

"Call the Winged Monkeys," suggested the Tin Woodman. "You have still the right to command them once more."

"Very well," she answered, and putting on the Golden Cap she uttered the magic words. The Monkeys were as prompt as ever, and in a few moments the entire band stood before her.

"What are your commands?" inquired the King of the Monkeys, bowing low.

"Carry us over the hill to the country of the Quadlings (перенесите нас над этим холмом, /и отнесите/ в страну Кводлингов)," answered the girl.

"It shall be done (будет сделано)," said the King (сказал Король), and at once the Winged Monkeys caught the four travelers and Toto up in their arms (и тут же Крылатые Обезьяны подхватили четырех путешественников и Тото на руки) and flew away with them (и улетели с ними прочь).