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H. G. Wells

disfigured [dIs`fIgqd], accident [`xksId(q)nt], wrapped [rxpt], hitherto ["hIDq`tH]

When Mrs. Hall went to clear away the stranger’s lunch, her idea that his mouth must also have been cut or disfigured in the accident she supposed him to have suffered, was confirmed, for he was smoking a pipe, and all the time that she was in the room he never loosened the silk muffler he had wrapped round the lower part of his face to put the mouthpiece to his lips. Yet it was not forgetfulness, for she saw he glanced at it as it smouldered out. He sat in the corner with his back to the window-blind and spoke now, having eaten and drunk and being comfortably warmed through, with less aggressive brevity than before. The reflection of the fire lent a kind of red animation to his big spectacles they had lacked hitherto.

“I have some luggage (у меня кое-какой багаж),” he said, “at Bramblehurst station (/остался/ на станции Брэмблхерст),” and he asked her how he could have it sent (и гость спросил ее, нельзя ли послать за ним; to send — посылать, отправлять). He bowed his bandaged head quite politely in acknowledgment of her explanation (он наклонил забинтованную голову весьма вежливо, выслушав ее ответ: «объяснение»; acknowledgment — признание; подтверждение; in acknowledgement of something — взнакблагодарностизачто-либо). “To-morrow (завтра)?” he said. “There is no speedier delivery (/неужели/ нельзя раньше; speedy — быстрый, скорый; delivery — поставка, доставка)?” and seemed quite disappointed when she answered (и казался очень расстроенным = сильнорасстроился, когда она ответила; to seem — казаться, представляться; выглядеть; to disappoint — разочаровывать, расстраивать/планы/; обманывать/надежды/), “No (нет).” Was she quite sure (она в самом деле уверена)? No man with a trap who would go over (/разве/ нет никого, кто съездил бы на двуколке /за вещами/; trap— рессорная двуколка)?

Mrs. Hall, nothing loath, answered his questions and then developed a conversation (миссис Холл охотно отвечала на его вопросы, развивая = поддерживая разговор; nothingloath— охотно; loath— не склонный /делать что-либо/; делающий неохотно).

acknowledgment [qk`nOlIGmqnt], answered [`Rnsqd], developed [dI`velqpt]

“I have some luggage,” he said, “at Bramblehurst station,” and he asked her how he could have it sent. He bowed his bandaged head quite politely in acknowledgment of her explanation. “To-morrow?” he said. “There is no speedier delivery?” and seemed quite disappointed when she answered, “No.” Was she quite sure? No man with a trap who would go over?

Mrs. Hall, nothing loath, answered his questions and then developed a conversation.