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‹‹42›› Kurt Lewin, A Dynamic Theory of Personality (New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1935).

Глава 6. Нейрохакинг

‹‹1›› Mauricio Estrella, How a Password Changed My Life, May 14 2014, .

‹‹2›› Личная беседа с Маурисио Эстрельей, 9 февраля 2017 года.

‹‹3›› D. J. Bem, Self-perception Theory, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, ed. Leonard Berkowitz (New York: Academic, 1972).

‹‹4›› Психологи спорят, связано это с когнитивным диссонансом или со взглядами на свое прошлое поведение. Аргументы в пользу первого предположения см.: Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1957). Аргументы в пользу второго предположения см.: D. J. Bem, Self-Perception: An Alternative Interpretation of Cognitive Dissonance Phenomena, Psychological Review 74 (1967): 183–200.

‹‹5›› Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin [Edited from His Manuscript], ed. John Bigelow (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1868).

‹‹6›› Rosanna E. Guadagno, Adam Lankford, Nicole Muscanell, Bradley Okdie, and Debra McCallum, Social Influence in the Online Recruitment of Terrorists and Terrorist Sympathizers: Implications for Social Psychology Research, Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale 23 (2010): 25–56.

‹‹7›› F. M. Haemmerlie and R. L. Montgomery. 1984. Purposefully Biased Interactions: Reducing Heterosocial Anxiety Through Self-Perception Theory, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 47 (1984): 900–908.

‹‹8›› F. M. Haemmerlie and R. L. Montgomery, Self-Perception Theory and Unobtrusively Biased Interactions: A Treatment for Heterosocial Anxiety, Journal of Counseling, Psychology 29 (1982): 362–370.

‹‹9›› Pablo Brinol and Richard E. Petty, Overt Head Movements and Persuasion: A Self-Validation Analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84, no. 6 (2003): 1123–1139.

‹‹10›› Stuart Valins, Cognitive Effects of False Heart-Rate Feedback, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 4, no. 4 (1966): 400–408, doi:.

‹‹11›› Stuart Valins, Cognitive Effects of False Heart-Rate Feedback, In Experimental Social Psychology, eds. Chester A. Insko and John Schopler (New York and London: Academic Press, 2013).

‹‹12›› John C. Barefoot and Ronald B. Straub, Opportunity for Information Search and the Effect of False Heart Rate Feedback, Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science 40, no. 3 (2005): 156–160, doi:.

‹‹13›› Marcus A. Gray, Neil A. Harrison, Stefan Wiens, and Hugo D. Critchley, Modulation of Emotional Appraisal by False Physiological Feedback during fMRI, PLoS ONE2, no. 6 (2007), doi:.

‹‹14›› J. D. Laird, Self-Attribution of Emotion: The Effects of Expressive Behavior on the Quality of Emotional Experience, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 29 (1974): 475–486.

‹‹15›› Fritz Strack, Leonard L. Martin, and Sabine Stepper, Inhibiting and Facilitating Conditions of the Human Smile: A Nonobtrusive Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54 (1988): 768–777.