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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

she definitely had not committed. She had had absolutely nothing to do with that beastly creature in the glass!

Matilda, sitting in the second row, cupped her face in her hands, and this time she concentrated the whole of her mind and her

brain and her will up into her eyes. Without making any sound at all she kept on shouting inside her head for the glass to go

over. She saw it wobble, then, it tilted and fell on the table. Miss Honey's mouth dropped open but she didn't say a word. She

couldn't. The shock of seeing the miracle performed had struck her dumb. She had gaped at the glass, leaning well away from

it. Never, never in the life had she seen anything of the kind happen! She looked at Matilda. She saw the child white in the face,

trembling all over, the eyes glazed, staring straight ahead and seeing nothing.

(From "Matilda" by R.Dahl)

83. Choose the alternative that fits the sentence.

1. I shall not waste time (to reply, reply, replying) to his letter.

2. It's high time (we go, we went, to go).

3. I'd rather (stay, staying, to stay) in tonight.

4. There is no point (to argue, in arguing, you argue) with him.

5. We had to stand up (to get, getting, to getting) a better view of the game.

6. I think we had better (go, going, to go).

7. I will agree (help, helping, to help) you as long as you behave yourself.

8. Would you care (to have, have, having) a look at my latest effort?

9. It's nearly lunch time. Why don't we stop (to have, to having, having) a snack?

10. Isn't it about time (you started, you start, starting) taking life seriously?

11. It's no use (you complain, to complain, complaining), nobody will take any notice of you.

12. I'm longing (see, to see, to seeing) you again.

13. He seems (feel, feeling, to be feeling) better today.

14. The car needs (to service, being serviced, servicing).

15. I daren't (go, to go, going) out after dark.

16. What's the use (to worry, you worry, of worrying)?

17. If you need anything, please do not hesitate (to ask, asking, ask).

18. Hadn't we better (leave, leaving, to leave) soon?

84.Combine the two sentences into one using the necessary pronoun.

1.The air surrounds us. It consists of various elements.

2.I had a stick. I defended myself with it.

3.Your brother surprised me with his learning. I was introduced to him yesterday.

4.Silk is much worn in Europe. The Chinese had the merit if discovering it.

5.The palace is magnificent. The Queen lives in it.

6.You have told me something. I shall not forget it.

7.Bill came home on a certain day. I do not remember it.

8.The bridge is very high. I passed over it yesterday.

9.The water is very refreshing. I tasted it.

10. The picture was very fine. The artist took along time to paint it.

11.The climate is warm. It prevails in India.

12.Rats do much damage. They multiply very fast.

13.I had money on me. I gave it to a beggar.

14He did not like the bread. I was'in the habit of eating it.

15.Show me the book. You have read it.