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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

16.The sun is far away. Our light comes from it.

17.Steel pens last a long time. They were invented long ago.

18.The ship was very small. Columbus crossed the Atlantic in it.

19.The microscope is very useful. We can see invisible objects with it.

20.The nineteenth century was called the age of machinery. Machinery came into use in it.

21.The swallows were assembling for their flight. I saw them yesterday.

22.The cup was very old. The servant broke it.

85. Insert the right article.

I. In 1665 ... great plague raged in London. ... insanitary conditions of ... houses, ... narrowness of ... streets, ... dirty habits

of ... people, all helped to spread ... disease. ... people died in ... thousands, and every day ... carts used to go round from ...

house to ... house to collect... dead, accompanied by ... man crying: "Bring out your dead!" ... rich who could afford to do so

left ... town and fled to ... country, while ... poor remained and died in great numbers.

... next year ... second misfortune came upon ... unfortunate city, namely, great fire. Out of... blue it started in ... baker's shop,

and aided by ... east wind, rapidly consumed ... wooden houses of which ... large portion of ... town was built, raging for ...

few days. Even ... great cathedral of St. Paul's was destroyed by. . fire, which, leaping across ... narrow streets reached right to

... banks of ... Thames. But ... disaster did much ... good. It destroyed many of ... dirty, unhealthy streets, and swept away ...

homes of disease, enabling ... better houses to be erected in their place.

II. ... Sir Ralph the Rover was ... wicked pirate who sailed about from ... sea to ... sea attacking ... innocent merchant ships

and robbing them of... cargo. One day he came to ... coast of Scotland and saw ... dangerous rock on which ... bell had been

placed to warn ... sailors of... presence of ... danger. Sir Ralph thought that if he removed ... bell,... merchant ships would be

wrecked upon it, and then he could easily rob them.... great pirate rowed to ... rock in ... small boat with ... party of... sailors

and cut off... bell, which sank down into ... deep water. He then sailed away across ... sea and enriched himself in ... various

parts of... world.

After about... year he returned and reached ... neighbourhood of ... famous rock.... thick fog came on, and he could not tell

where he was, though he feared he must be somewhere near ... dangerous place. How strongly he wished now that he had not

cut off ... bell from ... rock! Blindly ... ship drifted along ... shore at... mercy of... tide. All o f . . . sudden, there was ... crash;...

ship had struck ... rock! In ... few minutes ... ship filled with ... water and sank to ... bottom of ... sea with all on ... board.

86. Translate into English.

1. Они укоряли себя за то, что подвели его. Ведь он был на волосок от смерти. Его спасло чудо.

2. Курение опасно для здоровья. Это настоятельная необходимость для молодых и старых отказаться от курения.