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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин


Мои двоюродные братья, также как и моя сестра, сдают последний экзамен сегодня.


Она умерла молодой, и он даже не помнил ее лица.


Напрасно мы пытались объяснить им, что ни один из них двоих не прав. Они и слушать нас не хотели, что было очень обидно.


Старые всему верят, пожилые все подозревают, молодые все знают.

11. Туман был настолько густым, что полиция была беспомощна.

12. Никогда раньше не мог бы я предположить, что либо тебе, либо мне суждено это осуществить.

13. Мои братья, так же как и я, готовы помочь тебе.

14. Не успел он поставить свои вещи на перрон, как обе, и коробка, и чемодан, пропали.

15. — Каковы его политические взгляды? — Понятия не имею, хотя он и я приятели всю жизнь.

16. Ну и лентяй же ты! Ни за что на свете не буду иметь с тобой никаких дел больше.

17. Ни одна из проблем еще не решена.

18. Случись у тебя свободная минутка, присоединяйся к нашему обсуждению.

81. Check your articles.

1. Man comes form different world than you. He belongs to privileged, he is one of chosen.

2. Man who wastes money is known as spendthrift.

3. Tina thinks Ted is failure, so man drinks. More he drinks, more he fails.

4. My friend works for dating service. His job is to match men and women who want to build family.

5. Article, small word, often causes problems.

6. We must give house new coat of paint tomorrow. And on Sunday we shall give house final coat of paint.

7. Only place where success comes before work is in dictionary.

8. Atlantic is said to be called "Kitchen of Weather".

9. Six countries of West Indies are Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica.

10. Tone of story is set from very beginning.

11. Walt Disney, famous film animator and producer, created Disneyland, large pleasure park, which was opened in California

in 1955.

12. Beautiful fjords and breathtaking scenery of Western Norway turn week's holiday into unforgettable experience.

13. Novel is not-to-be-missed book which has become bestseller.

14. Roy isn't type of man to make woman happy.

15. — What do men call man who can cook? — Chef. — What do men call woman who can cook? — Housewife.

16. Discovery of ruins of ancient palace was climax of very exciting expedition.

17. With fifth century came fall of Roman Empire.


82. Give a complex analysis of the following texts, paying special attention to the non-finite forms of the verb, cases of inversion, double predicates, sub -

stantivized parts of speech.


Not for a moment did Miss Honey doubt now, that she had met a truly extraordinary mathematical brain and the word

child- genius went flitting through her head. She knew that these sort of wonders do pop up in the world from time to time, but

only once or twice in a hundred years. After all, Mozart was only five when he started composing for the piano and look what

happened to him. So the teacher could not resist the temptation of exploring still further the mind of this astonishing child. She

knew that she ought to be paying some attention to the rest of the class but in vain did she try to do it. She was altogether too